Thelma Fardin and Laura Azcurra traveled to Chile for a legal abortion


Although they have already united against gender-based violence, feminicides and the legal, safe and free abortion claim, since they accompanied Thelma Fardin in her complaint for rape to Juan Darthés, the Actrices Argentinas collective is stronger than ever. Never Far from worrying about negative reviews, they continue to fight and expose problems that concern women.

The group in our country continues to demand the legalization of abortion, but does not neglect the fight that is also taking place in Chile. Thus, on behalf of the collective, Thelma Fardin and Laura Azcurra, they traveled in the trans-Andean country to require that there also be to legalize abortion, and they said "no" to racism. They called for feminism for all and stressed the importance of the current movement. intersectional.

"We arrived in Chile together with @autaschile we badociate ourselves in the profession, love and struggle to join his seventh march for a legal, risk-free and free abortion, "said the girls who demonstrated with the motto "Abort racism". And they closed: "We participated in the seventh anti-racist march for a free, safe and free abortion with the @ cfl.luchafeminista".


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