Resident and Bad Bunny promised to raise a problem together if Rosselló resigned. They obeyed!


Puerto Rico has lived busy days, with mbadive marches led by leading island artists such as Ricky Martin, Bad Bunny, Daddy Yankee and Resident. All have asked for the resignation of Ricardo Rosselló to his governorship. Last week, some official talks were known for strongly homophobic remarks and mbadive protest broke out.

The residents and Bad Bunny promised that if the governor resigned, they would raise a problem together. A few hours after learning that the official would leave office on August 2, the artists released "Bellacoso". In the song, we find a fusion of different sounds like the Dembow and hip-hop. The video, directed by Gregory Ohrel, shows the protagonists, accompanied by pretty ladies, at Ocean Park Beach in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

"Bellacoso" is not the first song bringing together these two referents of Puerto Rican music. A few days ago, they launched the theme with Ilé Cabra "Sharpen the knives", mobilized by the political situation on the island and in which they defined Rosselló as a corrupt.

"Give the tamo 'by sharpening the knives. The knife cutter has arrived. The time has come for a combo of thousands of motorboats. On patrol 24 hours, Puerto Rican & # 39; With the raised fist, to conquer. We will not get a Marista goat. According to this compadre, my mother and all the women are as healthy as her mother … Your excuses are drowning with water rain in homes that still have no roof"says a fragment of the letter, in clear relation with the private discussions that came to light.

In the last hours, a crowd celebrated Rosselló's resignation in the streets. "It's a joy for all of us. All that has happened must be the subject of an investigation. People do not want the same faces, they are looking for honest people, "said former Calle 13 singer Nelson Castro," The correspondent "of TN.

"This is a historic moment, a triumph like the one you had in Argentina at Casa Rosada. It's something that has never happened in Puerto Rico. We are a colony and we forget it. Now we go out to protest a corrupt governor. It is something very important. In each of the stairs, there was only one flag, that of Puerto Rico. This is the beginning of something very important, "said the artist, a resident said the demand from the population was important:" Some communities have been showing for years. "

A few minutes before the meeting between Nelson and Rene Perez (the real name of Resident), Nicky Jam spoke to TN of the historic day in which they live. "We are pleased with this first step we have taken. Now, we must continue to fight. Now, we must do our part as Puerto Ricans, unite and support each other, "added the interpreter of" Forgiveness ".


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