Neither "pindongas" nor "cuchuflitas": they are the most influential brands for Argentines


A study by Ipsos, published by Ámbito Financiero, shows which companies are the most influential for Argentineans. In the report, beyond some traditional businesses, social networks are collapsing.

According to the Ipsos study, the top 10 "Most Influential Brands" consists of Whatsapp, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Mercado Libre, Samsung, Visa, Netflix, Microsoft and Coca-Cola.

Behind these, appear the top 20, Mastercard, Easy Payment, Sancor, Instagram, Mac Donalds, Nike, The Serenísima, Yogurísimo, L'oréal and YPF.

"The leadership of the ubiquitous digital brands is overwhelming, taking up almost all of the top 10 companies in the market, still above the historic power.The transformation of communication modes, as well as new marketing strategies adopted by companies the most dynamic sustained and consolidated growth that keeps them at the top of all rankings, "said Silvia Novoa, of Ipsos Argentina.


In Argentina, 1,000 consumers were consulted between November and December 2018. The sample was controlled by quotas and the results showed a margin of error of +/- 3.1%, with a level of confidence 95%.



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