He crushed a woman and a pedestrian for throwing a shoe in her car | Chronic


Last Saturday, in downtown Newcastle, in the north of England, a driver chased two pedestrians and crashed them in the middle of the street after the victim hit his windshield with a shoe.

The chain of events was recorded in a video that went viral on Twitter. It was recorded by the witnesses of the episode, who were stunned by what was happening.

On the images, it looks like a woman repeatedly strikes the windshield of a black Ford Focus stopped with the doors open, with the doors open, screaming "What's wrong with you?".

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Then two men entered the car, started it and dragged the woman who was holding the handle of the car. The Englishwoman was lying on the floor, near garbage cans, because of the impact she had had. It was then that a young man came to his aid.

Then the driver pointed directly to the victim's defender and pushed him with the trunk of the car to the corner of the street.

In the final act, the motorist advances only a few meters to go back and chase the man until he overtakes him. The car started quickly after the crime scene.

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A spokesman for the Northumbria police confirmed that even though there were no detainees yet, an investigation was underway.


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