USA In July, millions of tons of soybeans were shipped to China.


Hours before a new round of trade negotiations between the United States and China, the state media of the Asian giant announced that the United States shipped several million tons of soybeans to China last month, following the meeting of leaders of both countries G20 .

The data has been interpreted as a possible sign of good will before the new negotiations, since the trade war had reduced US grain exports to China; Most importantly, soybean sales dropped after Beijing imposed a 25% tariff on US shipments.

The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce of China, quoted by the broadcaster CCTV, have managed between US suppliers the purchase of soybean, cotton, sorghum for pork, and the United States. other agricultural products since 19 July. Some have been specified sales

"As long as US agricultural products are reasonably priced and of good quality, new purchases are expected," the report added, noting that the companies involved in sales were demanding tariff exclusions on goods. agricultural products in China

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The Chinese Foreign Minister promised that his government would support Chinese companies involved in infrastructure projects in Chile. While the Colombian president heads a delegation in Shanghai, she will seek to increase her exports of food and textile products in the framework of the Colombia-China Economic and Trade Forum.

He also said that these events showed China's willingness to promote US products and to respect the consensus reached by the presidents. Donald Trump and Xi Jinping in the G20 Summit in Osaka at the end of June, after which no significant progress has been recorded.

Next Tuesday and Wednesday, Chinese and American negotiators will meet in Shanghai to try to unlock the trade conflict.

China and the United States apply tariffs higher than 360 billion dollars annual exchanges.

The resumption of dialogue is seen as a step in the right direction and the choice of Shanghai, China's economic capital, is also symbolic.

On the Chinese side, the chief representative will be the Deputy Prime Minister, Liu he, close to President Xi, and the Chinese Minister of Commerce is also expected, Zhong Shan, have a leading role. On the American side, they will be the secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchinand the representative of foreign trade, Robert Lighthizer.

The White House said that "the discussions will cover a wide range of issues, including intellectual property, mandatory technology transfer, non-tariff barriers, agriculture, services, trade decrees and enforcement. Standards".

The newspaper Overall times, close to the government of Beijing, admitted Friday in an editorial that "the negotiations will be long". According to some observers, China could deliberately extend negotiations until the next US elections in 2020, hoping that a president more willing to negotiate this Trump.

The commercial war between China and the United States, it affects its economies in various fields. Chinese growth slowed in the second quarter (+ 6.2%), its lowest level in 27 years. While US farmers, important electoral support in Trump, complain about the decline in their exports due to trade tensions with China.

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