How is the Brazilian prison in which 52 people died as a result of a riot


On Monday morning, two criminal gangs clashed at the Altamira Regional Reconstruction Center in the state of Pará, Brazil. The death toll of the mutiny was 52 people killed, according to what was reported by the Superintendency of the State Prison System. The first fact that stems from the violent fact is that the prison housed a population well above its authorized capacity.

An inspection by the National Council of Justice (CNJ) in July revealed that the prison was saturated and in "bad conditions". Even the report indicates that the place can accommodate 163 people and not 208, as the Pará government says.

Overcrowded The prison houses more than 300 people. (Twitter)

The inspector pointed out that the number of prison officers is insufficient compared to the number of people to watch, who are already on the verge of doubling the forecast. He also said that a new prison unit was urgent, as was a reinforcement of security.

Video of the year 2018, after a riot in which 7 people died. (Susipe)


The oldest part of this penitentiary unit is built from a masonry container, which allowed the fire to spread quickly and to the death of some detainees by suffocation. In fact, some bodies could not be removed as quickly as the case required, as the temperature instead was very high.

The secretary of the prison system, Jarbas Vasconcelos Carmo, said that the intelligence service did not report any such confrontation.

Helder Barbalho The governor of Pará has badembled the dome of the state security portfolio. (Twitter @helderbarbalho)

Pará Governor Helder Barbalho said that Minister of Justice and Public Security Sergio Moro supported them in this situation and proposed that the prisoners in conflict be transferred to federal prisons for isolation.


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