Banker and businesswoman lead contributions for political campaign


It is Jorge Guillermo Stuart Milne, former shareholder of Patagonia, and María Luisa Bárbara Miguens, member of the family to which belongs the lemon tree San Miguel.

The number: $ 5,522,451. This is the amount that so far political parties have collected from individuals who have contributed to the financing of election campaigns.

This figure comes from the sum of all the sums declared by the contributors before the National Electoral Chamber and can be consulted on the website of the agency.

After the sanction of the law on the financing of political parties, the registries must be of public notoriety in order to give a legality to the origin and the destination of these funds.

Until now, the ranking of the main contributors is led by a banker and one of the main members of the Miguens family and owner, among other badets, of the lemon tree San Miguel.

They are Jorge Guillermo Stuart Milne and María Luisa Bárbara Miguens, who donated the same figure, for a total of $ 3,280,000. That's $ 1,640,000 each.

The two gave the funds to Together for the Change, but in the case of Stuart Milne, he did it only once on July 23 and through a single electronic transfer made by Patagonia Bank.

It's precisely the bank that belonged to the Stuart Milne family until last year, which sold its shares to Banco do Brasil for just over $ 200 million.

At that time in particular, Jorge Guillermo Stuart Milne was the main shareholder of the entity among his relatives since he controlled 9.03% of the capital, just like Ricardo Stuart Milne.

In addition, the family is on the list of millionaires that the American magazine Forbes realizes each year with a fortune of nearly 760 million dollars. In addition to its financial activities, it also participates in the Degasa investment fund, which holds brand franchises. as Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC); China Wok and Wendy's, among others.

While the donations of Miguens reached the alliance that defends the reelection of Mauricio Macri to the presidency through three transfers of his account to the ICBC for an amount of 350 000 dollars; $ 250,000; Between July 23 and 24, he earned between $ 440,000 and $ 600,000.

The businesswoman is one of the main members of the Miguens-Bemberg family, owner of the largest producer of lemons in Argentina, such as San Miguel, and former shareholders of Central Puerto.

Already in 2017, she had been one of the largest financiers of PRO's proselytizing campaign with $ 895,000 that served to support Esteban Bullrich's candidacy as a national senator. through the province of Buenos Aires. In this case, his brother, Carlos José Miguens, had also paid $ 440,000, just like his wife, Cayetana Robirosa.

All shared the social capital of one of the country's leading power plants, in partnership with Nicolás Caputo, considered the best friend of President Mauricio Macri. They did it until Central Puerto came to the New York Stock Exchange with the stock placement on Wall Street, also in 2017.

That year, Let's Change was the political space that more than millions of private donors received, according to a report released at the time by the National Electoral Chamber.

According to the work, the top 10 largest monetary contributors to the legislative campaign consisted of 16 people, but only Change and Evolution (by Martín Lousteau) are those who stayed with the largest slices.

Contributions left

In the case of contributions for the current campaign, after Together for Change, the leftist forces are under the name of the Socialist Workers Movement; the Workers Party; Workers Party for Socialism.

Together, all these movements accumulate donations of $ 1,250,000, with the Workers' Party (PO) receiving the most money, with nearly $ 200,000. Paradoxically, the list does not include donations for Frente de Todos, promoted by the duo Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner for the presidency and the vice presidency of the Nation.

Be that as it may, the list will surely change over the days and after the STEP, when all political forces will focus their strategies in the future.General omissions of October 27th and possible vote of November 22nd.

In this sense, they explain to the National Electoral Chamber that "human beings and legal persons, upon sworn declaration, can record the contributions they pay to the political groups, both for the electoral campaign and for the institutional development "

In the case of contributions from the national state, they amount to $ 174,818,947 and are part of the money distributed to all parties, as stipulated in Article 4 of the Law 26.215, which establishes a mixed model according to which political forces obtain their resources through public and private funding for the development of their ordinary activities and partisan activities.

With respect to private sector funds, the standard approved by the National Convention on May 15 allows parties to receive money from their affiliates; donations from other unaffiliated persons and legal persons, as well as legacies or legacies, as well as income from their badets and other activities.

In addition, contributions can not be anonymous, the identity of the taxpayer or donor will be published. In addition, concessionary companies or state contractors, foreign public entities and trade unions, employers and professional badociations are not allowed to contribute.

Contributions must be made by bank transfer, check, credit or debit card or digital platform, in order to identify the donor. Otherwise, this amount will be converted into "Disability Program Funding Fund" of the National Institute of Social Services for Retired and Retired (INSSJP).

The parties also have the obligation to pay the private contributions that they have received in the "Register of the traceability of the electoral contributions", which will have to be established up to seven working days from the reception. money.

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