The Madrid subway leaders accused of having …


Seven The city's prosecutor's office has accused Metro Madrid executives of the death of two employees and the illness contracted by two other workers. from the company. The complaint is due to a lack of prevention and public health because the workers have fulfilled their duties in the CAF 5000 local network wagons, which are: the same as those who worked until last year on subway line B from Buenos Aires.

One of the materials of these transport vehicles is asbestos, an item declared carcinogenic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The vehicles were bought today by President Mauricio Macri, while he was head of the government of the city of Buenos Aires.

Francisco "Pancho" Ledesma, health secretary of the union that brings together the workers of the metro and the premeter, said Page / 12, who filed a lawsuit with the Buenos Aires justice to investigate the possible damages that CAF 5000 may have caused to Argentine workers, at the same time denounced the fact that a study conducted by the National University of South had revealed that: "66% of the materials containing Mitsubishi cars that are still part of the fleet of line B vehicles have the same component, asbestos, also called asbestos, whose use is prohibited. in the world and since 2001 in Argentina ".

In addition to the complaint lodged by the union in the administrative dispute of the city, the Federal Court of Daniel Rafecas has already appeared before a court, a few years ago, presented by the legislator of Buenos Aires, Juan Cruz Campagnoli.

"We know in advance that judicial complaints take time to move forward and sometimes never, but we will continue to promote them as part of the measures we take to protect the health of our colleagues," said the worker. .

The three red Mitsubishi are still on the B line and recently, the metodelegate guild has discovered that "In a place in Chacarita station, where our colleagues have a dining room, there are seats that belonged to CAF 5000, which were deactivated from line B. only at the end of last year, after the complaint that we had filed in February 2018, when the first death in Spain was known ".

Ledesma said that these seats "had been painted to hide, but over time, the paint fell, so now our colleagues are no longer going to this place and are working on regulation. "The protest measures have been accompanied in recent days by the opening of ticket windows and the distribution of brochures to pbadengers" so that they also know that this represents a risk for all ".

In Madrid, the charge is accused of "the materialization of the risk situation created by the company and the (executives) denounced" because they "exposed the workers to a grave danger, knowing that". they knew the existence of asbestos in equipment and that the work was done with risks on this extremely dangerous material ".

In Buenos Aires, Line B workers went through medical studies "to find out if they were affected by asbestos in the formations". The badysis comes after last December, Subterráneos de Buenos Aires (Sbase) acknowledged what metro workers already knew because they had denounced a year earlier.

When asked, Ledesma said that "in the case of Mitsubishi, which still work, the risk may be even for pbadengersbecause they were trains that were bought in the late 1950s when they had already been unloaded by the company in Japan. " The pbadage of time causes deterioration leading to the breakdown of asbestos, which can cause cancer or other respiratory diseases.

"The problem we have is that the return of studies and we want our doctors to meet Metrovías doctors, a company that has already recognized the existence of the problem and asked the doctors of the ART to evaluate the studies of the 100 colleagues of the workshops of Rancagua and Villa Urquiza having been the subject of an badysis at the British hospital, "said Ledesma, Secretary of Health Labor and Conditions in the Workplace of the Association of Subway and Premetro Workers (Agtsyp)

The leader will meet with representatives of the ombudsman's office today and will continue to meet local and national legislators "because This is a matter of urgent resolution, especially after the information that comes to us from Spain"


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