They demand a "gag" in Bolsonaro for controversial words about the dictatorship | Chronic


A judge of the Supreme Court of Brazil suggested the use of a "gag" for the president Jair Bolsonaro, who faces a wave of outrage even within the ruling party and demands for political trial, after declaring the fate of a young man who disappeared under the local military dictatorship.

READ ALSO: Bolsonaro's controversial dictatorship provoked outrage in Brazil

"To avoid such statements, a gag, are weird times, where we will stop," says the minister Marco Aurelio Mello, of the Federal Supreme Court.

The case revolves around the disappearance in 1974 of Fernando Augusto Santa Cruz, a leftist activist who disappeared in 1974 from a detention center in Rio de Janeiro, documented by the air force, but Bolsonaro said he was killed by his own combat partners.

This victim is the father of Felipe Santa Cruz, president of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), targeted by the Bolsonaro attacks because the entity refused to agree to break the telephone secrecy and banking secrecy of the Bolsonaro. lawyer who defended himself Adelio Bispo, the author of the attack against the president last September, declared inescapable.

"We will ask the Supreme Court for explanations on what Bolsonaro said, who may have committed a series of crimes with his statement," said the head of the entity of lawyers and sons of the disappeared in 1974 by the military regime (1964-1985).

Bolsonaro, a former army captain who defends dictatorship and torture of opponents, said twice that he knew the fate of Santa Cruz.

"The soldiers did not kill him, they were his own companions" Bolsonaro said, unlike the truth commission that investigated the crimes of the de facto regime. The newspaper Or balloon has published secret documents of the air force in which is indicated the disappearance of Santa Cruz in the detention center of Rio de Janeiro. In the meantime, a witness told the truth commission that the activist group of the people's action group may have been cremated.

The OAB announced in a statement that it would go to the court to seek explanations from Bolsonaro, while lawyers and opponents argue that the statement, if it is a lie or concealment, is a crime of lack of decorum.

"I would not even speak of a political judgment, but of an inability to hold a position" he said Miguel Reale Junior, the attorney co-author of the charge that led to the removal of crimes in the budget priorities of President Dilma Rousseff in 2016.

"What Bolsonaro said is unacceptable" commented the governor of Sao Paulo, Joao Doria, ally of the president.


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