Points for and against electric cars: a viable reality in Argentina?


The electric cars They are a reality more and more widespread in the world. In Argentina, very slowly, they are also starting to be marketed, although for the moment there are only two options: Renault Kangoo ZE and the recently published Nissan Leaf.

As a promotional policy, these types of vehicles – like plug-in hybrids and hybrids – have since 2017 reduction of the import tariff They must pay to enter outside Mercosur or Mexico. Although this tax is normally 35%, in the case of green vehicles, between 5% and 0%.

In this context International Automobile Federation (FIA), Latin America Region, has prepared a report with the points for and against electric cars. They are as follows.

As one can see, in favor of the electric the no pollution by the emissions of gas, the absence of vibrations and noise in the promenade, the reduced consumption and savings that implies and the need for a less maintenance. We also talk about greater acceleration, a point that refers to the complete availability of the maximum torque that electric motors possess.

As negative points they emphasized the low autonomy, which is about 250 kilometers, the battery recharge time (which will always be higher than what is needed to charge gasoline or diesel), the highest price at the time of purchase and the pollution that batteries can generate if they are not recycled.

In addition, the FIA ​​has pointed out important axes take into account around this type of mobility more and more frequent in different countries.

Pollution of the air. Every year, it kills seven million people worldwide and the global car fleet should triple for 2050. Transportation accounts for a quarter of CO2 emissions related to the energy sector in the world. According to the UN's annual environmental report for 2018, air pollution is responsible for the premature death 600,000 children a year.

Energetic efficiency. Electric cars are more efficient than their combustion pairs. Convert between 59% and 62% potential of electricity directly on the wheels (against 17% to 21% in the wrecks).

Benefits of not using fossil fuels. Less dependence on non-renewable resources Not counting on oil.

The Nissan Leaf was introduced a few days ago in the country. It is 100% electric and costs 61,600 USD. Photo: TN Autos.
The Nissan Leaf was introduced a few days ago in the country. It is 100% electric and costs 61,600 USD. Photo: TN Autos.

The profitability Although they are more expensive at the time of purchase, they generally constitute a beneficial alternative in the medium and long term. However, this equation always depends on each case (value of electricity, preferential rates, advantages of the use of electric cars such as free parking, etc.). They also require less maintenance.

Sound pollution. By not emitting your engine, reduce this type of impact. In addition, they generate less vibration.

Urban infrastructure. Need an extensive network of charging points, it is imperative to new infrastructure in cities and surroundings. Oslo, Norway, is the city with the most electric cars per capita in the world and has more than a thousand charging stations.

The Renault Kangoo ZE was the first electric car actually put on sale in Argentina. It costs $ 1,450,600. Photo: TN Autos.
The Renault Kangoo ZE was the first electric car actually put on sale in Argentina. It costs $ 1,450,600. Photo: TN Autos.

New socio-economic order. Actions to promote the use of electric cars should include – as in Oslo – measures such as: tax reduction, access to preferential lanes, free excursions and free access to car parks.

State problem For the FIA, the transition to fleets of electric public transport. In Buenos Aires, the first electric buses are already in circulation (57% of the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires is served by public transport). Shenzhen, China, was the first city with 100% of its electrical groups.

New regulatory framework. There is a consensus that we need to work for the promotion and regulation of electric mobility in Latin America. In this context, in April of this year, the Latin American Workshop on Legislation for Electric and Sustainable Mobility, where various countries in the region (including Argentina) set work targets for the Sustainable Mobility Act.


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