I had a baby in the freezer and I did not know anything


As Smith recalled, his mother never told him what he had and sometimes told him that it was a frozen wedding cake. For the first time, he discovered that there was a baby body inside. "I still had skin, hair and everything else, I was mummified. After that, I was scared, I put it in the box and I immediately called the police, "said the 37-year-old.

In search of an explanation for this, Adam mentioned that his mother had already told him about a stillborn son. Another version of one of his family members was that it was a twin birth, but one died and the second baby was given for adoption.

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police learned about it, which he investigated as a "suspicious death." To corroborate this relationship, the experts pbaded a DNA test to Smith, who wanted to know "if the baby was breathing one day".

He's stoned and his children are dead

A 29-year-old American woman has been charged with several crimes, including murder, following the premature death of her twins by pulmonary hemorrhage due to various narcotics her mother used before delivery.

The authorities in Chattanooga, Tennessee, have accused the woman, identified as Tiffany Roberts, of aggravated murder, abuse or neglect of a child, as well as an accusation as a fetus. viable, since his babies were born with 23 weeks.

The children died two days later with traces of toxic substances in their bodies. A few days before giving birth, the woman had eaten ecstasy.


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