Brazil is already negotiating a free trade agreement with the United States


Brazil negotiations formally initiated with United States to reach a free trade Agreement. That's what the Minister of Economy of Jair Bolsonaro, Paulo Guedes, who explained that this agreement is not inconsistent the trade agreement concluded last July between Mercosur and the European Union. "We are officially entering into negotiations with the United States," Guedes said after meeting with the US Secretary of Commerce. Wilbur Ross

Bolsonaro, which, since last year's election campaign, defends the alignment of the largest South American economy on the United States, has already said that does not see any incompatibility Between the two agreements.

The Deputy Minister of Economy, responsible for Foreign Trade and International Affairs, Marcos Troyjo, then explained that an agreement providing for tariffs would be concluded. in conjunction with "Mercosur partners". Among them is Argentina, of which Brazil is the Your main trading partner For non-tariff issues, Brazil can negotiate individually.

After the meeting with the US official, Guedes said that will inform Mercosur partners on the negotiations on the trade agreement with the United States during this semester, during which Brasilia holds the rotating presidency of Mercosur.

He explained that their intention is to reach a "Strategic Alliance" with the country of North America, the largest economy in the world and the second largest trading partner of this country after China.

In the former President of the United States Donald Trump He spoke of his intention to negotiate a free trade agreement with Brazil, thus praising the Brazilian president. "I have very good relations with Brazil.I have fantastic relationships with his president.He's a great gentleman.I think he's doing a great job," said the head of the American state at the White House. "Brazil is an excellent trading partner and we will work on a free trade agreement," he said.

Last month, Argentina confirmed that it was seeking a free trade agreement with Brazil shortly after the announcement of the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union. "Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie has said that we are talking in Brazil for have a free trade agreement with the United States. The world is interested in relations with us, "said President Mauricio Macri in early July.


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