The disgusting viral challenge that led to arrests and trials | Chronic


A new viral challenge is causing concern for the US authorities. Many young people enter the supermarkets to film bottles, suck jars of ice cream, put them back in the refrigerator and make them available to customers, which is a serious crime.

Note to fools: you always commit a crime by handling food even if you buy the product after the camera turns off, because you did not have it when you tampered with it.

– Mark Dice (@MarkDice)
July 8, 2019

The challenge known as "falsification of food" (or food handling) involves opening soda bottles or ice cream jars in supermarkets, spitting them out and licking their tongues to let them in and flee. All this footage is filmed and his own protonists upload it on their social networks.

Thousands of people have seen this video showing a Wichita teenager handling food, and it turns out that she was filmed inside a local Walmart.

A spokesman for Walmart said the store is currently conducting an investigation.

– Porsha Riley (@KOCOPorsha)
December 30, 2018

Such a change in food can be dangerous and a crime in the United States, which can result in a sentence ranging from 2 to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to 10,000 pesos.

READ ALSO: "Piba sucked ice in super and put it back in the refrigerator: they are asking for 20 years in prison"

The police arrested several people on behalf of "food handling": A 15-year-old girl is found in a Texas bottle and is now facing food handling charges, just like another 17 year old girl who sucked ice cream in a Walmart, in the city of Lufkin.

US authorities are investigating these cases of viruses and warn of the danger posed by these attitudes.

READ ALSO: It's disgusting! They spat sodas at the supermarket and sent them back to the refrigerator


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