He went to the hospital with a toothache: 526 "extra" teeth were found | Chronic


A 7 year old boy was admitted to a hospital in India because of intense pain. After studies to establish the diagnosis, doctors were surprised to discover that the child had at least 526 "extra" teeth in the mouth and that it should stay that way. operated

The incredible fact occurred at Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, located in the southern city of Chennai, where a minor was treated for swelling and intolerable pain near his molars, in the right lower jaw.

Doctors have scanned and taken x-rays of the mouth, where to find a recessed bag in the jaw full of "abnormal teeth"detailed Prathiba Ramani, responsible for the oral and maxillofacial pathology of the health center.

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To relieve the disease, the minor had to undergo surgery, which took a long time to prepare, as professionals had to examine each tooth. It took four to five hours for the Ramani team to empty the bag and confirm the contents.

"There was a total of 526 teeth ranging from 0.1 millimeters to 15 millimeters. Even the smallest room had a cape in crown, root and enamel., Said Ramani.

Under general anesthesia, the surgeons pierced the boy's jaw from above, without breaking the bone, which did not require further reconstruction intervention. The intention, as stated, has gone well and the child can now enjoy 21 healthy teeth.

Ramani, on the other hand, explained that the baby was suffering from a very rare disease called odontoma, which had no clear cause, but badumed that it could be genetic or due to environmental factors such as radiation.

According to the report of the patient's parents, the child would have started to show jaw swelling at the age of 3, but they could not diagnose it at that time because it did not allow the doctors to examine it.

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