An influencer has failed the filter "youth" and has been unmasked | Chronic


Social networks can be very useful, but they can also be harmful by showing impossible stereotypes. Whether you want to sell a perfect body, food or house, influencers often end up misleading their fans.

This was the case Qiao Bilou, known as "The Queen" in the Chinese social network Douya, who lost almost all of his followers as a result of an unusual episode.

The woman is sold as a young millionaire of 20 years with a perfect complexion. However, during a live broadcast, the youth filter that he used failed and eventually revealed his true face and age: 58 years old.

On the left, Bilou with the filter. On the right, his true image.

Many of his supporters felt deceived and decided not to follow her anymore.

In China, the use of extreme beauty filters is commonplace and even Bilou had stated that she was willing to reveal her face in exchange for $ 12,000 but had ended up doing it inadvertently.


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