Macri's heritage does not suffer from the crisis | Cre …


As production rates collapse and inflation and poverty rates rise, the average wage loses value and the public debt rises at the rate of interest and obligations issued by the national government, President Mauricio Macri increased his personal badets by 52%.

According to the affidavit that the head of state submitted to the Office of fight against corruption, the value of its badets and securities amounted to 151,688,684 pesos in 2018, whereas the previous year had declared a patrimony of 99,876,155 people.

The numbers in the affidavit do not count those of the blind trust that the president announced with bombs and cymbals when the scandal erupted for the attempt to remit the debt of the Argentine Post.

According to the details made available to the public through the body headed by Laura Alonso, the president has seven properties for a total of 26 248 116 pesos. Six are in the country and add a value of 11 248 116 pesos, while the last is located in the Uruguayan city of Maldonado and has a value of 15 million pesos.

One of the reasons for the increase in the agent's badets is related to the increase in the real estate product value of the rising dollar. Of course, the currency rises and devalues ​​the Argentine peso because of the economic policy of the government of Mauricio Macri.

The affidavit also indicates deposits and savings funds that Mauricio Macri claims to have in banks and in which he claims to accumulate 96,539 pesos. There is also movements in US dollars amounting to $ 5,578,239. Much more than in the national currency.

There is also a record of government securities acquired by the head of state for just over 70 million pesos and credits for nearly 3.2 million. The evolution of badets does not record the debts until the end of last year.


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