A researcher Conicet rewarded in the United States …


Despite the lack of funding and the abandonment of the government, the field of science and technology survives. Among other things, thanks to its main flag bearers, scientists are reaped praise from many geographical regions. This time it was the turn of Carolina Vera, PhD in atmospheric science and principal investigator at Conicet, which received the Cleveland Abbe Award from the prestigious United States Meteorological Association. This recognition shines twice, since This is the first time that a specialist working in an establishment other than the United States, Europe or Australia stands out.

"I am very happy because not only are advances in the knowledge of atmospheric science recognized, but also its application to the benefit of society. I feel that it represents me because, always, my researches were in this direction. I also distinguished myself by the communication, which surprised me remarkably. Disclosure is an important part of our work, "he says. Page / 12 proudly from Geneva (Switzerland). However, the party is not complete because it is difficult to party when the domestic situation remains cloudy. "The Abbot of Cleveland is not just for me but for climate research in Argentina. I do not work alone but as a team, a team that suffers from many difficulties because of the measures taken by this government"Points.

The award receives this name in tribute to the American meteorologist who, towards the second half of the nineteenth century, focused his efforts on the inauguration and launch of a public service with professionals dedicated to the study and the communication of the specialty. The prize will be awarded on January 12, 2020. In the document that communicates the good news, Vera is distinguished by "selfless dedication to the advancement and communication of climate science to the world and, in particular, to policy makers"

More specifically, what is recognized? Meteorology is the science that studies the physical processes that develop in the atmosphere from the description and badysis of the phenomena produced and the laws that govern them. For its part, Global warming is one of the many ways that climate change expresses itself.. The human is responsible for lighting the stove that heats more and more the environment, a pot that lends itself to boiling in the near future and that Vera and his company push to extinguish.

This researcher is developing her work in the specific area ofunderstanding and badysis of climate variability and predictability in southeastern South America"From the Center for Research on the Sea and the Atmosphere (CIMA). In addition, he teaches at UBA and serves as a reference to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which operates under the UN orbit.

Climate change

What is the IPCC? Although people make individual efforts to distort the course of events and avoid "warming up" the earth by any means, it is up to states to roll up their sleeves and get down to work to permanently transform the world. situation. Conscious of this need, world leaders began to participate in this institution in 1988, bringing together international specialists with the determination and sufficient knowledge to establish reliable diagnoses and urge their leaders to implement action programs. to reduce the consequences of the greenhouse effect. .

"We are working on a project that underpins decision-making by small-scale farmers. We are making a new report that links climate change and land, ie how variability affects land degradation processes. In theory, it should be approved by governments on August 6, "describes Vera. And he completes: "It is a matter of deepening everything related to desertification and food security. The big question we are asking ourselves at this moment is: how to feed the world population without harming our natural resource sources? "

The goal, in this line, is to gather global strategies because, although the gases are emitted in Italy, in Brazil, in Afghanistan or elsewhere in the world, the atmosphere diffuses them in a few weeks around the planet. It turns out that there are common but differentiated responsibilities. Half of the emissions are explained by what is happening in regions such as the United States, China and Western Europe. According to the latest reviews, in the late 21st century, northwestern Argentina will be the region with the largest increase in temperature, with an increase of 3 to 4 degrees. To have a reference to what this means, the average temperature of the Earth today is 1.1 degrees compared to the industrial period (1880-1900).

As you can see, the main obstacle is conflicts of interest. At the international level, countries sign a consensus that they never respect at all (without going so far, Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Summit two years ago, a space promoted by Barack Obama); while in the local scenario, there is a shortage of public policies capable of implementing transformations to reduce emissions and limit temperature increases. The main reason? There is a very powerful industry related to the exploitation of fossil fuels, which should be defined as the intensive use of oil as a responsible for climate change and provides its lobbying tools to silence, still in 2019, what the scientific evidence shouts aloud: we are responsible! As a result, while the short-term and individualistic logic prevails, the situation will simply be irreversible.

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