At age 22, the granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy dies, Saoirse Kennedy Hill


In the United States, some media reported that the 22-year-old daughter of Robert and Courtney, Ethel Kennedy's fifth child, died of apparent overdose.

The emergency services reportedly arrived at the Kennedy Residence in Hyannis Port, Mbadachusetts, and reportedly transferred the girl to Cape Cod Hospital, where she was found dead.

"Our heart is upset by the loss of our beloved Saoirse.His life was full of hope, promise and love," said the family in a statement posted on Instagram.

"He cared a lot about his friends and family, especially his mother Courtney, his father Paul, stepmother Stephanie and grandmother Ethel, who said," The world is a little less beautiful today ".

No other details were given about his death.


According to the New York Times, the 22-year-old studied communication at Boston College and suffered from depression.

"My depression started at the beginning of my high school years and will stay with me until the end of my life," he wrote in a student newspaper in 2016.

Police said they had received a call stating a "death that no one had attended" and that an investigation had been opened.

The complex was the summer residence of President John F. Kennedy, the great-uncle of Saoirse, in the 1960s.

The Kennedy family has witnessed a number of tragedies, including the murders of President John F. and Senator Robert and the death in a plane crash of John F. Jr. with his wife and his wife. sister-in-law in 1999.




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