Shooting in the United States: the moment the shooting started in the mall


More than 15 people were killed in a shootout In a shopping center in the United States. The attack occurred at a store in El Paso, Texas, and left several injured.

In the last minutes, the first images began to circulate in fact, captured by some of the people who were there at the time of the shooting. You can see the refugee victims in the parking area, while incessant shots are heard in the surrounding areas.

The incident occurred in a Walmart store, where a man already in custody, entered and started firing at Mansalva against all the people who were there.

Although the first information mentioned more than one shooter, Robert Gomez, spokesman for the El Paso Police Department, denied these versions. "We think there were several attackers"outfit.

El Paso, on the border with Mexico (Photo: AFP).
El Paso, on the border with Mexico (Photo: AFP).

Through his Twitter account, President Donald Trump mentioned this fact. "Terrible shoot in El Paso, Texas. The reports are very bad, there are a lot of deaths. We work with state and local authorities. I spoke with the governor to offer him the full support of the federal government. May God be with you all! "He writes.

Terrible shootings in ElPaso, Texas. The reports are very bad, many have been killed. Work with state and local authorities and law enforcement. Asked the governor to engage full support from the federal government. God be with you all!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 3, 2019


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