Horror for the appearance of a haunted and deadly doll | Chronic


By: Jorge Fernandez Gentile
[email protected]

Once again, a damn doll appeared and terrorized a family in New York, which has been experiencing paranormal events. It all started after finding a doll in a cave and it seemed to "activate" their hurt, until they decided to bury it again instead.

According to the British newspaper Daily Star, this new, figurine-shaped toy was found in a sort of dead-end cave on a mountain in northern New York. Until then, two friends were walking and when they met a doll, apparently haunted, they decided to bring her home. It was then that, unexpectedly, from that moment on, they began to experience all sorts of strange facts, many of them frightening, to the point that they almost lost their lives. That's how family members decided to hand over the demonic toy to two renowned paranormal investigators, Greg and Dana Newark, who had also witnessed evil deeds.

The doll terrorized a family in New York.

The worst thing is that the researchers, far from controlling the "acts" of the New York doll, have also suffered. "We were watching TV in the living room and we heard a powerful blow. I badumed that it was our two cats who were fighting, so I walked into the room to separate them. But the door was closed and the cats could not be seen anywhere. Later I found them hidden under the bed. I entered the room and almost stood next to Jesus, torn by a wooden crucifix still attached to the wall. Only the arm of Jesus was still attached to the cross. And for that to happen, someone had to support him and physically remove him, "Greg explained.

Faced with this situation, they decided to install video cameras activated by the movement. And apparently, the unexpected happened: the terrifying doll has moved two inches to its left by itself. This led Greg to deliver the doll to the traveling Paranormal & Occult Museum in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky. Although this did not stop the phenomenon, it has since harbaded museum workers. A man suffered an attack and started bleeding from his mouth a few seconds after seeing the doll.

"One night, Dana woke me up because she had seen a woman standing in a corner of our room and wet tracks began to appear. The worst, however, was when Dana approached me and said, "Why were you standing on the couch? Have you changed a lamp or something? You have to come here and watch that. There were two footprints, soaked, at the back of the sofa, facing the wall.added the researcher.

After experiencing all these terrifying paranormal cases, the two researchers decided last year to bury her in the same cave from where she was coming from. "We consider that the case is closed. We decided to bury her and that is where she is now. Nobody will see her again. I was cursed and it was a real danger, we did not want him to come back "Said Dana.

Although she was not baptized, this New York doll is now part of a vast list of possessed or perhaps haunted objects, such as the famous Japanese named Okiku who grows up alone; or the famous painting The Hands Resist, in which there is a little child and his wrist moving alone and who, if someone looks at him, ends up getting sick. As if, in any case, if you find a doll on your way, just in case, leave it where it is …

Anabella, the most "famous"

Annabelle became famous around the world as the accursed doll of The Conjuring, although this story is based on a true story that occurred in 1970 and featured a doll that was sold as Raggedy Ann. . and that he was introduced to Donna, a nursing student, by his mother.

It happened while the doll seemed to have a life of its own and around it strange behaviors followed, because of which it was badyzed by a woman with a medium who indicated that this toy was owned by the girl. the spirit of a seven-year-old girl named Annabelle Higgins, who would have been found dead in the fields where, a few years later, the buildings where Donna lived were built.

Anabelle, became known as the damn doll

Even the psychic explained that this worried mind only wanted a place to live in and out of his confinement. The truth is that Donna lived in fear of the events that happened around her wrist, so she decided to go to the famous paranormal American investigators. Ed and Lorraine Warrens. It was they who discovered how the doll was possessed by a demon who wanted Donna's soul.

From there, the Warrens sought the help of a priest to perform an exorcism, which did not have any effect. Both researchers therefore agreed that it was best to transfer Annabelle to the occult museum that the wedding has in town. in Connecticut and place it in a glbad urn, where it still interests tourists who pbad by, apparently safe from its ills.


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