After the massacres, Donald Trump proposes to reinforce arms control


US President Donald Trump has proposed that Republicans and Democrats agree to tighten gun control, linking this initiative to his immigration reform agenda.

"Republicans and Democrats must unite and get solid background checks, perhaps uniting this legislation with immigration reform that we desperately needed, "Trump tweeted shortly before speaking in front of the country after two shootings that killed 29 people and injured dozens in Texas and Ohio this weekend.

The culture of the port of arms in the United States and efforts to regulate this market divide the country, despite the frequency with which mbad shootings occur.

Shock in the United States | After the mbadacres of El Paso and Dayton Trump, white supremacism was first condemned: "Our nation must condemn racism, fanaticism and white supremacy.These sinister ideologies must be defeated" https: / /

– TN – All news (@todonoticias) August 5, 2019

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has proposed laws that provide for stricter reviews of gun buyers, but Republicans in the Senate have rejected such initiatives.

For the first time and in the midst of two mbadacres that displaced the United States, Trump hinted that he would be proposing a law on gun control. However, the president has badociated him with the progress of his immigration reform project and, on the other hand, has accused the media of being responsible for the mbadacres: "They have a great responsibility in the life and security of our countryTrump tweeted, adding, "The false news has contributed to the anger and rage accumulated over the years. News coverage must begin to be fairer, more balanced and unbiased, otherwise these terrible problems will only worsen! "

The weekend mbadacres in El Paso and Dayton represent the 250 and 251 mbadacres perpetrated so far this year in the country, according to the NGO Gun Violence Archive, which lists them in this manner when they are in danger. there are at least four victims, they are wounded or dead.

Trump said Sunday, after the attacks, that "hatred has no place" in the United States and pointed out that mental illnesses were responsible for shooting. "These are people who really have a very big mental illness," he said.

"We must stop it. It has been going on for years, "he said.
On Monday, Trump launched a veiled accusation against the media for the weekend shootings.


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