Bolsonaro suggested Trump to go to Argentina to support Macri


Bolsonaro and Trump, in one of their meetings Source: Reuters

SAN PABLO.- As Brazilian government sources quoted by the Folha newspaper of S. Paulo reveal today, the president

Jair Bolsonaro

he suggested in a conversation to his American peer,

Donald Trump

in Argentina before the elections next October to support the re-election of

Mauricio Macri


Elections in Argentina and Bolsonaro's rejection of Trump's request for military intervention in Venezuela were part of the conversation that Brazilians and Americans had on June 28 in Japan, in the G-20, reported Folha.

Quoting witnesses to the meeting between Trump and Bolsonaro, Folha said the two leaders had discussed the Argentinian electoral process "with a worrying tone about a possible defeat" of Macri.

"The Brazilian," said Folha, "proposed that Mr. Trump travel to Argentina ahead of the October elections, as a sign of support for Macri." He also suggested holding a meeting with D & R. Other right-wing Latin American leaders and the presentation of a set of solutions to avoid what he called "the emergence of a new Venezuela in America from South "".

In another section, sources said Trump reportedly questioned Bolsonaro about joint military action aimed at overthrowing Venezuela's president, Nicolás Maduro, following an abandonment by the Brazilian.

Bolsonaro claimed, according to the newspaper, that the Brazilian armed forces had been weakened over the past two decades, that Venezuelan topography was favoring the action of the Chavez guerrillas and that such military action would cause problems in the South American region.



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