Donald Trump visited the cities of the latest massacres in the United States and unleashed a wave of repudiation


The protesters received criticism and complaints on Wednesday from US President Donald Trump in Dayton, Ohio, and are expected by El Paso, Texas, of the weekend shootout scenarios that left 31 dead. His critics attribute his incendiary rhetoric to increased political and racial tensions to USA

In Dayton, Trump visited the victims and their families with First Lady Melania Trump at the Miami Valley Hospital. Outside, about 200 protesters were waiting for him to demand more control over the sale of weapons. in Dayton,

The protesters were waiting for Trump in front of the hospital where the victims of the shooting were treated. (Photo: AP / John Minchillo).
The protesters were waiting for Trump in front of the hospital where the victims of the shooting were treated. (Photo: AP / John Minchillo).

The demonstrators also claim a stricter control of the use of weapons after the death of nine people last Sunday in a blind shootout in which the attacker was killed.

In El Paso, a white supremacist killed 22 people in a Walmart during a targeted attack against the Latin American population.

"Do something," "Stop being a baby, face the NRA (National Rifle Association acronym)," did some posters read, which also gave its leader the message "Welcome to Toledo", referring to an error he made during his message this weekend to the country, when he spoke of the nearby city of Dayton.

The protesters also installed the "Baby Trump", a balloon with the figure of the ruler representing a baby become one of the symbols of the demonstrations against the millionaire.

Before moving on to Dayton, Trump proposed Wednesday in statements to reporters at the White House strengthen the criminal background check for those who buy weapons and who have declared that in Congress, there is a "strong political appetite" for pbading a law in this regard.

Trump also rejected the fact that his statements against immigrants have to do with violence and said his rhetoric "to unite people".

The author of the shooting in El Paso reportedly used the president's language in a racist manifesto that he had published before the murder and in which he claimed that his attack was a criminal act. "Response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas."

A protester in favor of Trump in a counter-demonstration in Dayton. (Photo: Reuters / Bryan Woolston)
A protester in favor of Trump in a counter-demonstration in Dayton. (Photo: Reuters / Bryan Woolston)

On many occasions, Trump said that immigration from Latin America is a "invasion" against the USA.

"My critics are politicians, they try to make profits, and in many cases they aspire to the presidency," said the president, who is already thinking about his re-election.

A family pays tribute to the victims of the shooting in El Paso. (Photo: Reuters / Callaghan O & # 39; Hare).
A family pays tribute to the victims of the shooting in El Paso. (Photo: Reuters / Callaghan O & # 39; Hare).


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