The destruction of the Amazon increases fiercely in the era of "Captain Chainsaw"


Gerson Freitas Jr.

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon reached alarming levels in July after the President Jair Bolsonaro This will minimize official figures and call them "liars" and "bad publicity". An area nearly three times larger than New York was destroyed only last month, according to the warning system of the National Institute of Space Research of Brazil, known under the name of Inpe. The figures show that the level of area cleared almost quadrupled compared to the previous year, about 2,200 square kilometers.

The rate of logging and burning in the Amazon was increasing several years ago and increased by 73% between 2012 and 2018. There are several reasons for this increase, from amnesty to farmers who illegally razed the jungle into a law that helped them obtain legal rights to illegally claimed land and reduced environmental inspections in the region.

deforestation brazil amazon

Despite this, the election of Bolsonaro, a far-right populist with many supporters of the Brazilian agricultural industry, has sparked the concern of environmentalists who fear that things do not get worse if the promises to remove restrictions and open the region, including their native reserves, deteriorate. for agricultural and mining activities.

At an event organized by a car dealer in Sao Paulo, Bolsonaro ironically calls "Captain Chainsaw" commenting on how the publication of "inaccurate" figures on deforestation Inpe has repercussions abroad. The former army captain also mocked his French counterparts Emmanuel Macron and German Angela Merkel for interrogating him about the situation in the Amazon rainforest.

deforestation brazil amazon

"You can not imagine how much I liked talking with Macron and Angela Merkel. It was a pleasure! Bolsonaro repbaded. "They have not yet realized that Brazil is heading for a new direction. That there is now a president loyal to the Brazilian people, who says that the Amazon is ours, that bad Brazilians can not reveal their liars and campaign against Brazil. "Last week, he fired the director of Inpe after a clash over the deforestation figures.


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