San Cayetano: work, peace and bread that Marcelo distributes 12 years ago


As every August 7, thousands of Mendoza go to the church of San Cayetano de Godoy Cruz to ask or thank, mainly, for the work done. That is why "peace, bread and work" is the holy motto that so many people worship in a country where unemployment is a constant.

the faithful have venerated the saint and some have confessed

One of his faithful followers is Marcelo Torres, a 12-year-old stylist who visits the parish of Anatole France with bags of bread to distribute to all who come. He has already done so with his wife, who has died or, as he likes to say, "he has preceded us". This Wednesday, he was accompanied by his daughter.

Among those who attended mbad in the afternoon, those who were already preparing for the night procession and many others who only approached to pray in front of the image the saint or confess in the same street, shared Marcelo, next to his daughter, bits of bread and part of its history.

"This is due to an emotional problem My wife had a very big cancer, she gave birth to it for a long time.Now I'm with my daughter Zoe who accompanies me in this proposal of all years spent sharing bread, "began the man saying that is virtually part of the rites of August 7.

"When I arrived with my wife, I could not be inside the church because the excitement and anguish were so great that I was embarrbaded that people see me crying, I have tried many times and I could not, I went to buy a soda and I made the interaction with the bread: if I'm in San Cayetano, why can not I not to offer the bread? "continued Marcelo, breaking his personal story.

With so many years of experience in celebration, Marcelo is already able to compare the times, needs and expressions of people facing unemployment each year. "We have to live the day and get involved, try to come up with a solution or an alternative, for example, I leave my hairdresser and cut my hair off to people living on the street," he said.

the image of san cayetano in godoy cruz parish

Thus, between words and solidarity miñón, the afternoon was spent for Marcelo, his daughter and hundreds of faithful who trust the saint to find a job, which for many brings the peace of being able to share the bread with the family. .

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