"Hat" or "shit comes": that's how well see the gurus who exploited the MALBA STEP


These were explicit scenes of what some define on the market searcher: the formation of public financial opinion by one of the most requested gurus by entrepreneurs and investment funds, the former Merrill Lynch, Marcos Buscaglia. Before 440 people, twice the capacity expected, in the auditorium of the museum MALBA, the fashion consultant He did not hide his Anglicisms to define the scenarios that he imagines facing the possible results of Sunday.

"If Macri wins with these economic results," he said, "Hat low". With this expression, which expresses in English the idea similar to "hat" or simply "congratulations", the economist and also columnist of the Odyssey program in La Nación sums up the expectations of the financial market, or at least representatives gathered in the call of the investment agency Balanz Capital.

The event was entitled a quote from the punk band of the eighties, The Clash "Should I Stay Or Should I Leave". Thus, a poster behind the panel was read by Claudio Porcel, of the firm, along with the journalist Marcelo Longobardi and the badyst of the consulting firm Isonomy, Juan Germano.

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"And if Alberto Fernández wins, well … shit comesBuscaglia underlined the scenario that financial investors gathered in this country now consider less desirable. "Shit", could be translated his expression that had an explanation in Spanish: "The market is primed," he said, before stressing that, although it was previously considered "positive" by the look of the brokers who bet on the continuity of Together by changing a Fernández-Fernández victory by five points because they considered that it was feasible, now they expect a more equal election , and even with a surprise that could put, they dream, with the pair Macri-Pichetto in advantage.

"If Alberto wins, he will have a hard time making sure that Dona Rosa does not buy any dollars, so that the companies invest or that the young boys do not want to leave the country," said the head of the direction. Alberdi partners, who even said that, to calm down the markets, Cristina Kirchner's partner should make a gesture in favor of the great orthodoxy that Lula da Silva or Carlos Menem did when they won their elections despite the mistrust of the markets . "I do not know, I should call something like Melconian."exaggerated.

He was followed silently by leaders who arrived early and crowded into the auditorium. In a whisper, those who, after staying outside, have watched in front of a giant screen take a few drinks a few meters from the furious spectacle of the moment, liminalof Leandro Erlich, which had gone unnoticed before the electoral forecasts and the financial libido during the days of tension between China and the United States. Some have even tried to read the lips directly from the outside while waiting for people to leave.

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Monday will be verdict of this heterogeneous mbad called "market" which, depending on the climate of the event, will reach the elections convinced of a same result this would supposedly give Macri chances during a second round that would trigger a bullish rally badets in which they would be invested.

But these are all gaseous lucubrations. Nobody knows what's going to happen and there's even room for surprise or unexpected shock for this environment that is always convinced of realities that will not happen later, because Germano himself said that many factors make this choice very difficult to predict. On the one hand, how will the ballot be cut, up to how much the "boys" candidates will win to subtract 1 to 2% of the main competitors and be definitive at a certain time? election which, yes, said the pollster, appears "Couple in margin of a possible difference 1 to 3 points"



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