The last words of a shocking woman before being eaten by sharks | Chronic


Jordan Lindsey, 21, from California, was diving near Rose Island, Bahamas, when three sharks attacked her and killed her.

The family spoke publicly about the event two weeks after the tragedy and recounted heartbreaking details in the program. Hello America.

Michael Lindsey, the father of the young woman, said that two of his children and Gianna, the girlfriend of jordan, were in another part of the island and that his wife, Kami and his daughter had gone diving.

It's there that he heard someone say that a young woman "Had been attacked by sharks" and confessed that he immediately worried to think that it could be his daughter.

"Mum!"shouted Jordan. At first, his mother thought that his daughter was playing with dolphins, but soon realized that it was about sharks.

Jordan was attacked for the first time by a shark, who tore a part of his right arm and it was only with the left that he tried to swim up to the Where his mother was. Before being captured by the other two animals, he shouted "Another shark is coming!" when his mother tried desperately to save her.

After that, two more sharks appeared and after a "Brutal fight" They managed to get her out of the sea. The young woman had several wounds, bites all over her body and a torn leg.

When the boat arrived to take her to the hospital, there was no medical element to cure Jordan: "They put towels on his leg, there was no first aid kit", detailed the father.

Lindsey studied at Loyola Marymount University in environmental communication and was about to graduate in 2020. The girl's father said in a statement sent to NBC: "She was so affectionate. She loved all animals. It's ironic that she's dead being attacked by a shark. ".

Jordan Lindsey

Jordan Lindsey (Facebook)

Jace Holton, a Texas doctor who was also part of the tour, told the Daily Mail: "About forty-five minutes after the snorkeling at this specific spot, people rushed to our side saying that a girl had been bitten by a shark and that she looked very serious. ".

Once on the pier, the young woman was still alive and then took her to the Nbadau Doctors' Hospital. The family who arrived a few minutes later must have heard the worst news from the doctor: "Your daughter is gone."

Michael stated that his family was no longer the same and that his partner had trouble sleeping because he closed his eyes each time. "VReturn to the water. We cry every night … she saw her poor daughter die in her arms "outfit.

The family on vacation in the Bahamas. (News and company images)

Jordan Lindsey's sister has opened a page on GoFundMe to bring together resources to move the body of the Bahamas to California, USA.

Several attacks have been known in recent weeks. It is only in the first half of 2019 that they registered in the United States. a total of 20 attacks, including four fatal ones.


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