Richard Gere brought food to 121 migrants from Open Arms


Actor Richard Gere visited the migrants rescued by a humanitarian ship which has been stuck in the Mediterranean for more than a week. He brought them boxes of fruit and food and told them about their problems. The meeting took place in the midst of a debate on immigration that European countries were not yet able to resolve.

Gere has made provisions for boat to 121 people aboard Open Arms, a rescue boat stopped in international waters near the Italian island of Lampedusa and prohibited from entering the ports of Italy and Malta. These countries want the other countries of the European Union to welcome more immigrants crossing the sea.

Richard Gere helped to accommodate the food they brought to the ship. (Photo: EFE / Open Arms)
Richard Gere helped to accommodate the food they brought to the ship. (Photo: EFE / Open Arms)

The protagonist of Pretty Woman, 69, met with several immigrants who had escaped from Libya aboard precarious ships before being rescued. L & # 39; actor has a long history of activism and often campaigns for the environment and HIV / AIDS research. In China, he was deported for defending human rights in Tibet.

In addition to badistance, Gere chatted with all the migrants. (Photo: AP / Valerio Nicolosi)
In addition to badistance, Gere chatted with all the migrants. (Photo: AP / Valerio Nicolosi)

In Italy, Gere discovered the situation of the ship, contacted the Spanish charity Open Arms. "How can I help?", Asked the actor by calling NGO representatives, he badured AP, a spokeswoman.

Two days later, Gere was already in Lampedusa to load a supply ship. "The most important thing for these people here is to be able to reach a free port, get off the boat, get off the boat and start a new life like all of us. help these people who are our brothers and sisters, "he said, in a message explaining that Open Arms was spreading.

The actor was in Italy when he learned what had happened and came to help. (Photo: AP / Valerio Nicolosi)
The actor was in Italy when he learned what had happened and came to help. (Photo: AP / Valerio Nicolosi)

The International Organization for Migration says that 39,289 migrants and refugees Until August 4, they arrived in different countries by the sea until August 4, 34% less than during the same period in 2018. In addition, I & # 39; entity pointed out that 840 additional people had died so far in 2019 during the various trips. it was across the Mediterranean Sea, from North Africa to Europe.


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