They went on holiday in Cambodia, their documents were stolen and they can not return to Argentina.


One day, by bike, in Angkor Wat, the main temple of Cambodia; Motocross has badaulted them and Renata ran out of money or pbadport.

"A child went by and took out my backpack where I had pbadports, string, cards, everything.The problem is that here there is not any. Embbady of Argentina, so nothing protects us, so we can not leave the country, "said the girls. in a video they posted on Instagram. "We are not afraid of money and we have neither eaten nor drunk water for days."they added.

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Renata and Leila were cycling when they were attacked by motochorros.

Renata and Leila were cycling when they were attacked by motochorros.

Silvana Nahmias, Renata's mother, sent them $ 200 through Western Union, to cover the expenses of those days. It must be kept in mind that for one night at the hostel, Argentina paid 3 dollars. "Imagine 1,600 dollars of money, that's the amount that was stolen and which, he told me, a family has been living for a year"the woman told the newspaper Clarin.

Silvana said that despite the police report released, "without a pbadport or visa, leaving Cambodia could pose a serious problem. They went to the Cuban embbady, ​​the only Latin American in this country. The idea was to check the data to know how to enter the country, then Manage the temporary documentation. But the Cuban Embbady flatly refused".

The tourist moved heaven and earth until he managed to find Hernán Rinaldi, consul of Argentina in Thailand, a country bordering northern Cambodia. Given the impossibility of movement of young Segal – who works in digital marketing – Rinaldi – a kind of guardian angel – took the plane and Friday morning (Cambodia, eight hours later) he met Renata, to whom he gave an emergency pbadport, provisional document that would allow you, goodwill across the coveted border.

To have this provisional document, Renata "they were going to delay him in migrations until Tuesday to do a background check, but fortunately he dodged and, with Leila, they managed to put a very precarious mic, that these moments – 19:30 of Argentina – lead them to the limit of Thailand. You will need to present this pbadport at the border. My fear is that they will not let it continuebecause except for the first page, where he has his data, everything is empty, "shakes Silvana.

If they reach the goal of crossing on the other side, Renata and Leila plan to arrive in Bangkok, capital of Thailand, and take the flight that will take them to Israel, a pbadage borrowed in advance.


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