Muslims in Mendoza celebrate the Feast of Sacrifice


This Sunday, August 11, the Muslim community of Mendoza, as in the rest of the world, will celebrate the Id al Adha, also known as the Feast of Sacrifice, the most important religious festival of the Islamic calendar.

It is a fundamental celebration of Islam because it is deeply related to previous traditions. In this case, he commemorates the relationship of the prophet Ibrahim (known in the Judeo-Christian tradition as Abraham) with his son Ishmael.

Id al Adha will take place tomorrow, August 11, at 9:30 am, at the Arab Islamic Center of Mendoza, located at San Martín Avenue, 1933, in Ciudad.

About Id al Adha

Ibrahim and his wife Sara had reached an advanced age without children. On one occasion, Ibrahim promised God that if he gave him a son, he would sacrifice him on his behalf. Many years and many events went by until his second wife Hayar (Hagar) gave him a son, Ishmael. Later, his first wife Sara would give birth to Isaac.

According to Islamic tradition, according to the pact with Sara, Ibrahim would have taken Hayar and Ishmael to a place in the Arabian desert, the present Mecca, where he went every year. There, he began to build with the help of Ishmael, already a teenager, from the Kaaba (the house of Allah or the house of God), where Muslims are praying five times a day. .

In a dream, Ibrahim recalled the forgotten promise made to God so many years ago and prepared to realize it. Thus, he communicated his decision to Ishmael and he accepted it, considering that they were both subject to the divine will.

Ibrahim put Ishmael on his knees, crying and hugging his beloved son, covered his face and took a knife. When he tried to shoot it down, the knife tilted from one edge to the other and, while trying again and again, without Ibrahim 's warning, the Angel Gabriel had come down with a beautiful white lamb with big black eyes. and long horns.

Surprised to see him both, father and son, said: "Allahu Akbar, the

ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar! "(God is greater, there is no other god than

God, God is greater!) Therefore, Ibrahim sacrificed the lamb in place of his son.

For more than 1400 years, Muslims sacrificed themselves and celebrated this fact by remembering obedience to God beyond their control and

from his own understanding

Allahu Akbar (God is greater) and the Feast of Sacrifice are remembrances of submission due to God, and even the word "Islam". means submission and sacrifice of our desires and pbadions to the orders of God and the pattern of behavior of Muhammad (Muhammad), the prophet of Islam.


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