Noam Chomsky against Macri | He questioned the president …


The American philosopher Noam Chomsky once again questioned President Mauricio Macri. This time, not only because of its economic policies that "subject" the Argentine democracy to the mandates of international organizations, but especially to "promote the lie" through social networks and communication technologies. In this regard, he recommended that the way to counter the effects of this strategy is to "use these same tools to constructively organize against oppression".

Through an article published in The powerful throat, an internationally renowned intellectual warned that macrismo's communication maneuvers are the same as those used by "antipopular governments" who apply policies "designed for the benefit of the rich, focused power that can not flourish without the ill-bred people." ».

"It's no coincidence that all these anti-popular governments are paying incredible campaigns in social media and are betting on applications to promote lies," wrote Chomsky in his article entitled "Today more than ever, Argentina".

In this text, he points out that Macri "is not a problem only for the Argentinians" but is part of the "neoliberal outpost" that runs through Latin America and some countries of the world. Europe, like Britain, where the new Conservative government is trying to "promote market model" in universities.

In this regard, he stressed that the Argentine President also opposed "public education", because "nothing can be more threatening to its objectives than to liberate people, to emancipate them and to help to think.

Chomsky also criticized Macri for "enslaving" Argentine democracy "to IMF mandates" through "economic stagnation" and "adjustment programs" agreements that "have reduced the recent past, broken the present and conditioned the future ".

"Today, more than ever, we need to bring together quality people, think about the problems and create structures that allow us to feed, fight and overcome our worst trances together, never by resignation, always by action, at the same time. Inside and outside the country. networks, "he postulated.

This is not the first time that Chomsky, one of the most respected intellectuals in the world, questions Macri. Fifteen months after the inauguration of the Cambiemos government, the political scientist was one of the supporters of the one who had been asked intellectuals from several countries and warned against adjustment policies, bribery involving members of the Cabinet national and political prisoners. in Argentina

The full text of Chomsky:


The advanced neoliberal development process that Mauricio Macri developed during his presidency does not only concern Argentines. And that's nothing new or exclusive at all. Similarly, this is happening in Brazil, but this is not limited to the Latin American context. In fact, at the present time, the British Conservative government is trying to control major universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, to promote a market model, turning first-clbad academic institutions into mere commercial chests. .

Macri is everything that represents, expresses, commands, unlike public education. And not by chance: nothing can be more threatening to their goals than to liberate people, to emancipate them, to help them think, to invite them to challenge them or to push them to ask for realities that no marketing manager could explain. For all domination-oriented systems, it is necessary to combine with the mechanisms of alienation, cancel the questions and turn people into obedient robots. Here and there, this type of government always follows the same scenario: the entire budget of education is transferred to subordination.

Gradually or soon after, from different angles in Latin America, various democracies enslaved the IMF's mandates, knowingly signing the guarantees of stagnation and adjustment programs that not only reduced the recent past, shattered the and conditioned the future, who knows for how many decades. These are not naivities or mistakes, they are general policies designed for the good of the rich and concentrated powers, who can not prosper without the people they handle.

It's no coincidence that all these anti-people governments are paying for incredible campaigns on social networks and are betting on applications to promote lies. Therefore, we must use these same tools to organize ourselves constructively against oppression because it is only so that we can resist. Today, more than ever, we need to bring together the right people, think about the problems and create structures that allow us to feed, attack and overcome together our worst trances, never by resignation, always by action, inside and out. outside the world. networks.

I'm screaming today.
Tomorrow is your turn.



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