What causes of Cristina Kirchner are set before the end of the year?


Former President Cristina Kirchner opened cases with pending definitions in federal courts Credit: Horacio Córdoba

possible landing of
Alberto Fernandez and
Cristina Kirchner in the
Pink house who projected the
STEP d & # 39; yesterday
open questions in
Commodore Py. The former president has open fronts with pending judicial definitions, some of which can be seized before December 10.

During the administration of Mauricio Macri, federal judges conducted high impact investigations and decisions against the former president, former officials and even businessmen. Some files are more advanced, at the stage of the oral process, and are the most sensitive to Kirchnerism. But in other key cases, such as
notebooksthese processes have not even begun.

The most advanced cause

The oral process for the so-called cause
Road, where Cristina Kirchner is accused of leading road works in favor of the businessman Lázaro Báez, is in a key case: the Federal Oral Court No. 2 should be resolved if it entails the suspension of the trial invoking the defense of the former president These problems are mainly related to the quantity and quality of the evidence on the record.

Attorney Diego Luciani was adamant in rejecting all defense requests, as was the Financial Information Service and the anti-corruption bureau, plaintiffs in the case. TOF No. 2 Judges Jorge Gorini, Andes Bbado and Rodrigo Giménez Uriburu now have to decide. They must also respond to the President's request to stop his trip to Cuba on August 22 to visit his daughter Florencia, who is under medical treatment in Havana.

But beyond the current oral proceedings – the only one of the five trials that the former president has to face -, other decisions are in the hands of the judges who are now being closely monitored.

Importation of liquefied natural gas

The cause of alleged fraud against the public administration for the alleged payment of surcharges on the importation of
Liquefied Natural Gas It will also have a quick definition. Chamber I of the Federal Chamber, composed of Leopoldo Bruglia and Pablo Bertuzzi, must confirm, dictate the lack of foundation or annul the proceedings of Cristina Kirchner and former government officials such as Julio De Vido and Roberto Baratta.

This case had already suffered a setback last year, when that same chamber had questioned the expert opinion prepared by David Cohen and had canceled the prosecution of De Vido and Baratta, and had granted the latter freedom (subsequently ordered by the notebooks). The prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, in charge of the LNG file with judge Claudio Bonadio, incorporated evidence. Bonadio then sued former planners, adding also Cristina Kirchner and former Enarsa officials.

The six prosecutions of Cristina

The former president also
six lawsuits with pre-trial detention orders, all signed by the federal judge Claudio Bonadio, responsible for the cause of the notebooks but also other files such as
Future Dollar,
Memorandum with Iran,
Liquefied gas, payment of bribes at the time of the award of
road concessionsand payment of bribes for the attribution of
train subsidies. None of these measures came into effect because the Senate, mainly by the decision of the former head of the PJ bank, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, did not solve the problem of its illegality.

But if Cristina Kirchner is elected vice president, she will benefit from more protection: she will continue to benefit from the immunity of arresting fueros with the addition of new processes within the Congress that would add more complexity to a possible demand for detention. It can only be stopped if, after a political trial, it is moved from the vice-presidency.

There are more cases in Comodoro Py waiting for important definitions during these months of 2019. They were drawn by lot to execute the judgments of the cases.
Los Sauces and Hotesur, Memorandum with Iran and the future dollar – all high – although they still have no date for their respective beginnings.

The cahiers des coimas

The cause of the notebooks, initiated by the notes of the driver Oscar Centeno and in which Cristina is considered the head of an illegal badociation, is also on the brink of the oral trial. Once Bonadio has achieved its elevation, the court must be bypbaded to intervene in this process.

Businessmen Cristóbal López and Fabián De Sousa, owners of the Indalo group, and former AFIP director Ricardo Echegaray are
in the event of an oral trial due to fraud against the State through irregularities in the payment schedules granted to the company Oil Fuels for Fuel Transfer Tax (ITC).

This trial began two months ago and its continuity was ratified a little less than a month ago. The businessmen were and are close to the former president – De Sousa shares a lawyer with her – and at the first hearing they received the support of several Kirchner leaders. Oral Court N3, which is responsible for the oral proceedings, has incorporated a jurisdiction on the record and must evaluate the accused's current statement of directions and witnesses who have been summoned.

Another important trial that has taken place since October of last year and in which a sentence should be pronounced in the coming months is that of the so – called "The way of money" case, where the The main accused is Lázaro Báez and his legal environment. , accountants and badociates, for a money laundering offense of approximately $ 60 million.



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