Destruction without fire control triggered on the island of Gran Canaria | Chronic


The forest fire that affects the Spanish island of Gran Canaria since last Saturday has already burned 1,500 hectares and was still active, favored by gusts reaching 70 kilometers to the hour and forced to evacuate more of a thousand people and to cut three roads. Angel victor torres, regional president of the Canary Islands, in the Atlantic Ocean, said Monday that "the head of the fire remains uncontrolled "while" the tail is partially dominated " The flames are fought by 500 to 600 brigades, as well as 13 airplanes with fire.

"The work of land and air forces in the perimeter zone intensifies by digging ditches and humidifying the area to prevent fire from spreading during the night"Torres added. Due to the fire, the Civil Guard arrested a 55-year-old neighbor who was working nearby with a welding post. An investigation was conducted to determine whether his activity could have originated in the incident.


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