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President Mauricio Macri
recorded a message to Quinta de Olivos to announce a series of measures before the exchange
which erupted on Monday after its resounding defeat in the STEP. Macri seeks to recompose his image in the two months remaining before the general election.

With a recorded message, announced an increase in the non-taxable minimum of income tax – a campaign promise that it has never achieved – a moratorium on SMEs, raising the minimum wage, a premium for public sector employees and two additional payments from the universal child benefit.

"I am here to share relief measures to accompany you in this difficult time," said the president at the beginning of the message recorded by Olivos' fifth.

But before communicating the economic measures, he referred to the press conference he gave on Monday and was criticized for blaming the voters who voted for Alberto Fernández's devaluation. "I want to apologize for what I said on Monday" He expressed and justified: "I was touched by Sunday's results and sad about what happened with the economy." He also said that he was "sleepless".

The results of PASO showed the overwhelming rejection of the Macri management, who wants his reelection. The Front of All was in first place, with 47.32 points, and more than 15 points from the official formula of Together for Change. "I understand the results of the elections, I understand the Argentineans who voted for other alternatives, those who voted for us in 2015 and who have now decided not to join us. It's my responsibility and that of my economic team, "said Macri.

"Arriving at the end of the month has become an impossible task"

In spite of baduming this responsibility, Macri has not forgotten his script to blame "inheritance" for the failure of his management. "It was like being in a basement," he said about the beginning of his government.

The presidential speech sought to be inspired by empathy with those who were most affected by the economic measures taken by the government, those who had less. Macri appealed to the "effort" of the Argentines and the fact that they were "very hard". He compared the titanic task of many families struggling to reach the end of the month with the effort of a mountaineer: "It was like climbing Aconcagua and today, they are exhausted, tired, angry. "

"Arriving at the end of the month became an impossible task, many families had to cut back on their expenses and did not know what to cut, what to do without," said the president before announcing his "relief measures". ".


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