The suicide of millionaire Jeffrey Epstein: the guards who had to watch him fell asleep and falsified the archives


The two guards in New York prison charged with guarding the cell of millionaire Jeffrey Epstein, found dead in an apparent suicide on Saturday, they fell asleep and falsified the registers to cover his mistake, as he published this Wednesday The New York Times.

Epstein, 66, was charged with create a child bad trafficking network ten years ago in their mansions in New York and Florida. The millionaire was following a suicide prevention program after an alleged suicide attempt on July 23 and the guards had to inspect his cell every 30 minutes.

the Metropolitan Correctional Center, where Epstein was arrested and committed suicide (Photo: REUTERS / Jeenah Moon).
the Metropolitan Correctional Center, where Epstein was arrested and committed suicide (Photo: REUTERS / Jeenah Moon).

However, three officials declared at the Time and based on security camera recordings that the guards slept "partially or wholly" three hours prior to the event, so it is confirmed that they falsified the registry entries could face a federal crime. For the moment, they have been unloaded.

Epstein's death in jail is the subject of an investigation by both the FBI and the Department of Justice, but by the Attorney General of the United States. and the holder of this latest portfolio, William Barr, has already announced that there were "irregularities" in prison and there will be "responsibility".

Among other things, Epstein could not be alone in his cell. However, in violation of the penal protocol, his cellmate had recently been transferred and had not been replaced.

The sudden death and strange circumstances of the tycoon have circulated many conspiracy theories about his death because of the characters to which the millionaire was linked, such as former President Bill Clinton (1993-2001); Prince Andrew, Duke of York; or the current president, Donald Trump.


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