Bolsonaro and the "bandits of the left" | President …


Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, said that "leftist bandits have begun to return to power" in Argentina, in a new outbreak of interference in the country's internal affairs, following the victory of the president. Alberto Fernández at Sunday primaries.

"Argentina is sinking into chaos. Argentina begins to follow the course of Venezuela because, in the first gang, the left-wing bandits began to regain power," said the president. of the extreme right in an act organized in the north-east of Brazil.

Bolsonaro has been expressing support for Macri and his policy of economic liberalization for months, as well as his concern about the possible return of kirchenrismo to power. Monday, he had a pbadage with Alberto Fernández after stating that if the Peronist candidate took it, Argentina would end up "on the road to Venezuela" and there would be a wave of refugees similar to that of the Brazil on its border with the Caribbean country. Bolsonaro also said that relations with Fernández would be "confrontational", which could affect Mercosur and the bloc's trade deal with the European Union.

Fernández responded by calling Bolsonaro "misogynistic, racist and violent", while excluding the long-term problems between the two countries. "Bolsonaro is a turning point in Brazilian life, while Macri is a turning point in the life of Argentina," he said. The support of Bolsonaro, who has a negative image of the Argentine electorate, would harm Macri and mark an unprecedented attitude of interference in the affairs of another country, something unusual in Brazilian foreign policy traditionally equidistant from foreign elections.


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