IMF mission returns to negotiate additional aid


Next week will come a new mission of the International Monetary Fund in what will be the opportunity for the government to badyze extraordinary measures. Production and Finance are studying possible rate subsidies, but expect to see "where the dollar is penned" which closed today at $ 63.

The team led by the Italian Roberto Cardarelli, head of the Argentine Mission of MFIs will be back next week in Buenos Aires for his quarterly review public accounts, as provided by the Minister of Production, Dante Sica. Who stressed that the possible reinforcements of the compensation package for the impact of the devaluation of more than 30% after the result of the STEP.

The overall tax cost announced today is $ 40 billion, as indicated by the executive branch. "It's within the agreed limits. These are budget reallocations, "said the official at a meeting with the press to explain the measures announced by Mauricio Macri this morning. In negotiations with the IMF, it was agreed that 0.3% of GDP would apply to social expenditures excluded from the calculation because of the zero deficit. "We do not get the salary part of it. If public works it is not decisive for carrying out the projects, "he added, accompanied by the head of the AFIP, Leandro Cuccioli.

Why the dollar goes up uncontrollably and what is the ceiling possible until October

Price of maintenance. "The rising dollar has an impact on rates and the country risk will have an impact on business, prices and activity," said the minister. In this context, contacts were made with companies and supermarkets to monitor price developments.

Consulted by PROFILE On the continuity of essential prices, Sica said that "everyone sees where the parking lot ends and at what level the exchange rate fits." The economist and former consultant felt that "$ 60 is an excessive price."

The program, which froze the prices of more than 60 products until October, "It continues and there are no supply issues either in care or in essential prices. In case there is a requirement (by the companies), we will be compensated to maintain the program. "

Apart from price agreements, there were increases in dairy products and flour. "Supermarkets are getting new listings with possible price increases. The replacements are done with an open bill -remito- but there is a price maintenance process, "said the Minister of Production.

After the announcement of Macri, the dollar climbs to $ 61 and the country risk exceeds 1,800 points

In the case of At 12 years old now, Sica said that "the tariff plan is maintained" and what companies absorb, which enhance the remaining 20% ​​to achieve zero interest, remains in effect, according to conversations they have had with different sectors.

The taxes The announcement includes the maintenance of payment plans from 60 to 120 months for those who have adhered to a payment plan and an extension of plans for those who are up to date from 6 to 8 months. A 90-day grace period will pbad before AFIP blocks a corporate embargo and the "rating" will be removed until the end of the year, the so-called Siper system that determines the risk profiles.

For the pockets, Increase the non-taxable minimum income. "AFIP, what you can do immediately, is work on retention. The project will be sent to Congress, "said Cuccioli. If pbaded, the measure will be retroactive to January 1 of this year. "There will be a credit in favor that will be consumed and will ease the pockets," he said. In the case of monotax, the measure will reimburse the tax component, which can be up to 4,000 pesos less in the highest case on the scale. This is for those who are up to date with the last twelve installments. Today, the loan portfolio of AFIP reaches 350 billion pesos and 260 billion in payment plans correspond to payment plans.


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