Bolsonaro suspended the use of mobile speed cameras in Brazil for its "collection use"


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, suspended the use of mobile radars on the roads across the country. He made it on Thursday by an order published in the Official União Diàrio (the "Official Gazette" of the neighboring country).

The text determines that the Ministry of Infrastructure rebadess the regulation of procedures electronic speed control on public roads, particularly with regard to the use of static, mobile and portable equipment.

The purpose of the suspension is "avoid the distortion of pedagogical character and the purely use of the collection" speed counters.

The document does not specify when this measure will come into effect, although the Brazilian president said yesterday: "Starting Monday, there will be no more mobile radars until the National Council of Transit (Contran) decides the question ".

For now, fixed speed cameras will remain active, but Bolsonaro also intends to disable them. In May, interviewed on a TV show in Brazil, he said: "At the end of contracts on roads equipped with radars, we will not renew them".

His justification opened the controversy: wants to give people "the pleasure of driving", He said in this interview. "The radar has installed the idea of ​​protecting life, but it's a slot. Millions are bred each year in Brazil with that, but when you take money from people, you do it to a truck driver, that produces an increase in gondolas, "he concluded.


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