Federico García Lorca, the modest artist who did not choose to be


Federico García Lorca was born in Granada, Spain, and his tragic destiny caused him to be shot in his homeland, in a place very close to his native village. He was 35 when he arrived in our country to lead one of his most famous plays: "Blood Wedding", with actress Lola Membrives. Buenos Aires received it warmly.

He was tall, with abundant black hair and fine features. A few years ago, his author's drawings were exhibited in our city and of very good quality. His mother, a pianist of merit, taught him the first notions of piano. Boy Frederick has progressed quickly. same came to give concerts. In one of them, he was heard by an already famous musician, 20 years older than him: Manuel de Falla. He approached the child and began to support him artistically.

But García Lorca soon moved away from the music. Because inside was the future playwright, that of "Yerma", "Casa de Bernarda Alba", "Bodas de Sangre" … De Falla continued his friendship with Lorca. It was that they were two super. Because real artists do not choose to be. They were chosen. Both were also authentically modest despite the prestige achieved. Because when the artist needs admiration, he does not deserve to be admired.

We were in 1936. The tragedy of the Spanish Civil War was developing. De Falla and Lorca were in Granada. They had written plays for the children together. And began the personal drama of García Lorca. He who did not act in politics, He was accused of subversive. Can a microbe push a slander. And a giant can not stop it. They stopped him.

Statue of Federico García Lorca on the Plaza de Santa Ana in Madrid (Photo Shutterstock)
Statue of Federico García Lorca on the Plaza de Santa Ana in Madrid (Photo Shutterstock)

De Falla was at that time in Cadiz, another town also in Andalusia, like Granada, several kilometers away. As a result, the composer took a week to learn about the arrest of his friend García Lorca.

True artists do not choose to be. They were chosen.

As De Falla had many ties and great prestige, they had an audience with the governor of Andalusia at 24 hours. If asked. The president received him and immediately gave the order of pardon García Lorca, attend the fair and credible reasons of De Falla. In the presence of the musician, the governor telephoned the prison. And the answer came from the other side of the line:

– "Mr. Governor: García Lorca was shot dead an hour ago"

– "Who gave this order?" Shouted the governor.

Nobody answered him. But did the answer matter? Manuel De Falla is crying like a child. And the musician author of "El Amor Brujo" of the Fire Dance ritual made a radical decision. Resolved at this time leave Spain. And he settled, as we know, in Alta Gracia, in our province of Córdoba, here in Argentina, where he died ten years later, at the end of 1946.

One could say to finish like all the big ones who have added light to the light, which Federico García Lorca is not dead. It still travels spiritually through the wet paths of his hometown, Granada, and inscribed – because he also composed songs – between the claws of the Andalusian magic guitars. His tragic destiny, product of this maniacal madness called war, inspired me in this aphorism:

"The war is never so cruel … as those who forge them."


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