ISIS claimed the attack that caused 63 deaths at a wedding | Chronic


The Islamic State (IS) militia on Sunday won a suicide bombing that killed 63 people and wounded 182 others last Saturday in a wedding reception hall in Kabul, Afghanistan's capital.

In a statement released by the telegram request, the armed group said that his militiaman had been slaughtered for the first time. Abu Asem al Pakistaniin the room and then a car bomb exploded at the entrance.

"When the security forces arrived on the scene, the Mujahideen (Islamist fighters) blew up a car bomb, killing 400 people and injuring renegades and apostate members of the Afghan troops.", Reports EI, quoted by the news agency EFE.

The wounded transferred from the place of the attack (Photo: EFE)

The militia generally announces a greater number of victims in the attacks and the attacks that it claims. The statement also explains that the attack was directed against this marriage because he wanted to hurt "renegade polytheists", a reference that seems to refer to the country's Shia minority, this time to the Hazara community.

READ ALSO: "63 dead in a wedding attack"

Just ten days ago, a car bomb from the Taliban insurgent movement broke into a bustling area of ​​western Kabul, in the area of ​​the wedding hall that was attacked last Saturday; and killed 14 people and injured 145 others.

In addition, a few hours before Saturday's suicide bombing, at least 38 Taliban were killed in fighting against security forces in Balj and Fará provinces, authorities said.

These ongoing Taliban fights and attacks, usually directed against security forces or public officials; and the IS attacks maintain a scenario of violence in much of the country, despite the peace dialogue that is taking place between the United States, the Taliban and the Afghan government.

One of the wounded at the hospital (Photo: Reuters).


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