Rayó "ruffled" a man who was saved by miracle | Chronic


Romulus McNail He dodged a ray that fell inches from his body as he headed for his car, in the state of South Carolina (United States). The moment was captured by the surveillance cameras from the spot.

The incident occurred in Horry County. As the video shows, North America was heading for his car in the rain, with an umbrella, when suddenly lightning struck right next to him. Although he was not injured, the impact was such that he fell to the ground.

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"I saw the light," McNeill recounted his experience in press releases, adding that he had felt a jolt at the time of the event.

The victim was surprised on social media when he learned that the security cameras had managed to capture the moment he almost lost his life. "I am very happy to be gone alive and without injury," sharp.

"I tried to integrate it as a roadrunner – I do not want it to happen to anyone – it was crazy." says the man, who says that he does not intend to go out again when similar weather conditions occur.

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