Bolsonaro does not stop: "In Argentina, people pull their money from banks for populism"


The dialectical battle that the Brazilian president is waging against Kirchnerism is not over yet. Jair BolsonaroHe said Sunday that the Argentinians were withdrawing "en mbade" from the banks' money for the possible victory of the left represented by former president Cristina Kirchner in the October elections.

"With the possible return of the Sao Paulo Forum group [foro que agrupa a fuerzas de izquierda de Latinoamérica y el Caribe] in Argentina, people are shoving their money out of the banks. It is Argentina, because of populism, which is getting closer to VenezuelaBolsonaro said in a comment on his Twitter account.In another article, Bolsonaro used a text from the Gospels to refer to populism: "Whoever plows his land will have much food; he who pursues his fantasies will be filled with misery. "

The Brazilian president had already made a similar comment after reading the results of the primaries in the neighboring country: "Argentina sinks into chaosArgentina begins to follow the course of Venezuela because, during the primaries, leftist bandits began to come back to power, "he told reporters.Before, in the aftermath of the OSP, Bolsonaro had declared that he did not want the "Argentine brothers" to flee to Brazil if Kirchner wins in the elections.

– Da serie JOÃO 8:32 (4)

– With the return of the Forum of São Paulo in Argentina, agora or Povo takes, in Mbada, its two banks. In Argentina, hair populism, each time closer to Venezuela.

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) August 18, 2019

"If this left returns to Argentina, we can have here a new state of Roraima (Border State with Venezuela) and we do not want it, the Argentine brothers fleeing here because of the bad things that seem to happen there if these elections are confirmed now in the month of October, "said Bolsonaro.

Candidate K, Alberto Fernandez, favorite of the primary elections of April 11, criticized the same Clarin "the arrogance" of the Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro.

Alberto Fernández sends more signs of relaxation to Bolsonaro

In the interview, Fernández, who goes to the elections with Cristina Kirchner (2007-2015) for the Frente de Todos coalition, said: "Bolsonaro proposed a debate in which I fell. never had to fall, because I'm disturbed by the way and the arrogance with which he talks, among other things.But the truth, Brazil is much more important than Bolsonaro.That's why I do not really want not talk about Bolsonaro. "

"The same thing is going on with Trump," Fernandez said. "Trump is president of the world's leading power. So, you have to agree with this power, you must have a mature relationship. Bolsonaro and Trump were the presidents chosen by Brazilians and Americans, period. I have nothing more to say about it, I have to take care of them. And try to defend the interests of Argentina. "



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