A new attack from Brazil | The Chancellor of Bols …


It is becoming increasingly clear that the Brazilian government led by Jair Bolsonaro has taken the Argentine election campaign as a means of doing an internal campaign, but the insistence to talk about it every day is not understood, criticizing Alberto Fernández and Kirchnerism. This time, Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo compared the Todos Front candidate to the presidency with a Russian mamushka: "You open it and there is Cristina Kirchner, you open it, and then there is Lula, then Chávez. " Fernández has already warned that the "bravado" of Bolsonaro and its leaders would react no longer to preserve the bilateral link.

It is striking to note the succession of statements by Brazilian officials who embarked without haste in the Argentine election campaign. Bolsonaro began using the noted comparison of a possible Venezuelan destination in Argentina in case he won the Frente de Todos. "I do not think he wants to continue on this path of freedom and democracy," Bolsonaro said of Fernandez. It was then the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, who threatened a breakup of Mercosur in case the new Argentine government sought to close the door. economy

Alberto Fernández answered Bolsonaro. "I'm celebrating the fact that he talks badly about me, he's a misogynist, a racist, all I ask is that he let Lula free," he said. -he badures. Then, in the interview that he gave the weekend to Page I12He regretted having destroyed the "bravado" of the President of Brazil and declared that he would no longer participate in this match. The Minister of Economy told him that he was not considering closing the economy.

But yesterday, who resumed the fight was the Foreign Minister Araújo in a relationship with Clarin. In addition to the figure of Russian dolls, he felt that "we do not have too much illusion that Kirchnerism 2.0 is different from Kirchnerism 1.0". "What is the program of the candidate Alberto Fernández and the candidate Cristina Kirchner?" It is the program of a Mercosur used for ideological purposes, which did not serve its commercial objectives, and which also denoted a lack commitment to democracy, "he said. the Foreign Minister of Brazil, a confessed admirer of Donald Trump. The minister said one thing that Bolsonaro also repeats every day, namely the visit of Alberto Fernández to Lula in prison shortly after the start of the campaign. "Lula's thinking has created a country with the problems we know," he added. In truth, Bolsonaro fears that the triumph of Frente de Todos in Argentina will renew the forces of progressive parties in the region, including the Lula PT.


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