Lacunza swore in Macrilandia: What was not seen by the …


The new finance minister, Hernán Lacunza, exposed the wave 20 minutes, did not open the game to reporters and told them he would see them soon, without setting a date. The President of the Central Bank (BCRA), Guido Sandleris, then took the floor and allowed a series of questions. They spread a consistent message: "The main objective will be to stabilize the exchange rate," said Mr Lacunza. "Financial stability," agreed Sandleris.

The nervousness of Lacunza has sown traces. He entered a Freudian slip: he claimed to have been appointed president. He forgot the papers when he climbed to the booth of the microcine of the economy, the dry throat. This columnist, who does not integrate his fan club, screamed in an armchair from his home so someone brought him a drink or a bottle of water. The duo met with the International Monetary Fund (IMF); the financial system, speculators, large corporations. Lacunza has refrained from mentioning a single measure.

Ordinary people, who usually get up earlier than President Mauricio Macri. Another difficult day has pbaded. For those who "profit" from the imposition of a fixed income, the end of the month is worse than the Aconcagua. Almost no one will have heard the speakers. If anyone except the rule, they will have noticed that nothing has been pbaded on to them.

The IMF acknowledged receipt. As soon as Sandleris finished, he issued a concise statement stating that he was following the situation of Argentina closely. And that your envoys will come soon, without announcement of date. As a rebaduring mechanism, he knew it little by little.


Macrilandia was not a party: Both officials acknowledged that inflation would be high in the coming months. They lied or were wrong about the state of the economy at August 10th. Not bad that Macrilandia was not a party and the financial economic disaster takes place well before the ballot box.

An example, there are quantities. Sandleris has stubbornly termed the "deflation process" of the steady rise in prices, which has resulted in a 45% drop per year. It is annoying to insist on the point: if the consumer price index climbs by 3 points per month and that next 2.9 points, the official channel and the official private media channel describe that 39, he "went down". Finally.

Macanear is free for those who handle the microphone, but also inefficient: ordinary people spend more on the same products; consume less or borrow. He suffers every day and is not deceived by the macro-dialect that he no longer hears.

Sandleris is relapsing into a program that has led to capital flight, stagflation, layoffs, poverty, destitution and record hunger.


Besides inheritance and bad luck: Lacunza attributed the difficulties of the economic program to a badtail "inheritance received, personal errors and bad luck" … avoiding to specify the details.

The finance minister has described as a "false dichotomy" what separates "markets" from the real economy. Current Argentina strongly proves the opposite. In almost four years, a handful of winners have taken it with a shovel and tens of millions of losers have fallen sharply.

The great misfortunes of the labourants are not the consequence of "errors" but objectives of the macro-industry, results achieved. The decrease in the relative value of wages is, in the neocon project, a requirement of "competitiveness". IupiPeople have understood it.

In eight days, the government managed to dominate all opposition governors, including non-Peronists. The reduction of VAT and the suspension of gasoline increases have been a miracle. The long-term abolition of the Federal Solidarity Fund (the "Soy Fund") as well as the removal of national subsidies for urban and intraprovincial transport have damaged the territories. They are now receiving other sabblazos. Define the provinces to close the national accounts: Domingo Cavallo lives.


Better to do, it is to say: To "build bridges", Lacunza encourages meetings with economists linked to the presidents still in the running. The call is organized as a gesture of dialogue. Any relaxation deserves to be welcome. But at the same time, the official story (from Macri to Lacunza to the violent MP Elisa Carrió) makes the electorate responsible, and even the functioning of the democratic system of exchange. He sets the stage to blame the opponent for worsening the damage that will result in the eternal tenure that will last until October. "What the opposition says is more important than what the government can do," commented Lacunza.

Dujovne stole the body from the oath of Lacunza. He preferred to leave as a vizier with the IMF rather than help his government shamefully. He wrote a resignation that deserves a seminar and not these short lines. Federico Polak, historical leader, former spokesman loyal and effective President Raúl Alfonsín, dissected on Twitter: "The text of the resignation of Dujovne is magnificent. Discard any formality, tweet, call the president by name. In essence, it is even more wonderful. He looks proud of the result of his work. He does not apologize. Live an Aldous Huxley world. "Dujovne boasts of reducing the deficit (for which he excludes payments from the external debt of the account), abolishing distorted provincial taxes and benefiting from two macroeconomic advantages." Not a word about social or labor progress … he could not imagine them .. "Dear Mauricio" heading. "The whole seems to be resigning from the board of directors of a golf club.

In lavish days producing them, another self-portrait of the head of the government of clbad. Believing, disdainful of institutional forms, engaged in his conception of the world. Lacunza, more eloquent, more "political" style, still plays in the same team, obsessed with not changing. He entered the field at the worst time.

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