The New York Times broke Macri, the IMF and paid tribute to Alberto Fernández


he New York Times, one of the most prestigious newspapers in the world, has held President Mauricio Macri responsible for the defeat of PASO and congratulated the Kirchner government. In addition, it destroyed the agreement signed with the IMF, which indebted the country to the tune of more than 57 000 million US dollars.

In an article, the journalist specializing in Latin American politics, Mark Weisbrot, said that "the Fernández coalition attributes its victory to the failure of Macri's economic policy because it is found guilty of the economic crisis. , the recession and the high inflation that the country is currently experiencing. " In this sense, he described the electoral strategy of Together for Change as "archetypal" based on the accountability of the previous management of current conflicts.


The dollar closed at $ 57.37

Regarding the agreement with the IMF, the journalist said: "This memory and this collective conscience can now determine the outcome of this recurrent debate on the economy and, with it, the general elections of 27 October and probably a good part of Argentina's future. " And he condemned: "The Argentineans remember the role played by the International Monetary Fund during the last recession. They also remember how he improved his life with Kirchnerism".

In the same vein, Weisbrot said that "in the case of Argentina, there is the electoral defeat of a government whose economic policies have clearly failed and the victory of its rivals from a period of strong and widely shared economic growth ".

In turn, the author clarified the controversy over financial market fluctuations: "From the perspective of an economist or a social scientist, it is difficult to understand why we should to fear Kirchnerism ". In addition, he reviewed the policies and economic indicators that show that "Kirchner's governments have been among the most successful in the Western Hemisphere".


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