Lacunza received Nielsen and Todesca and agreed on the need to seek stability – Telam


Finance Minister Hernán Lacunza has agreed with the Guillermo Nielsen and Cecilia Todesca Front line economic leaders on the need to maintain financial stability.

After the meeting, official sources told him that Lacunza had kept the emissaries of Alberto Fernández at the Palacio de Hacienda for an hour.

This was the second meeting between Lacunza and opposition representatives after receiving Marco Lavagna and Leonardo Madcur on Tuesday, according to federal consensus, the sources said.

The meeting took place on a day when the dollar remained stable at $ 57 for the sale to Banco Nacion, after the Central Bank sold $ 94 million.

Lacunza had said this morning that "if there is an election competition where each candidate aspires to occupy power, this can not be an excuse to endanger stability."

"We must be very cautious, sensitive and aware that the higher good is the well-being of the Argentines," the minister told Radio Miter.

On the other hand, they stressed that the meeting "was held in a framework of absolute respect and cordiality, coinciding with the need to look for a horizon of stability reducing the impact of the crisis on the productive sectors and the most vulnerable families. "

In a press release, the economic team of the Frente de Todos "reiterated its concern at the decline in international reserves which, since the last payment by the IMF, has been reduced by more than 9,000 million dollars".


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