Macron called for mobilization of all powers against fires in Amazonas


In a televised message broadcast a few hours before the official start of the summit in Biarritz, in southwestern France, Macron stressed that The Amazon is a "common good".

"We will launch not only an appeal, but also a mobilization of all the powers present, in badociation with the countries of the Amazon, to invest first and foremost in the fight against fires in progress", he said.

Macron added that they wanted to invest in reforestation and enable indigenous peoples and NGOs to develop appropriate activities to "preserve this treasure of biodiversity".

The fires at Amazonas were infiltrated at the last moment on the agenda of the meeting, which reunites until Monday the French, German, British, Italian, American, Canadian and Japanese leaders, after having indicated Thursday that they badumed "an international crisis".

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said shortly afterwards that Macron is seeking personal political gain by deciding to solve it.

This has heightened the tension that has reached the economic sphere with the French threat of vetoing the free trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur since, according to him, Bolsonaro lied while he had made commitments several months ago to protect biodiversity.


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