Amazon: Flames jeopardize EU-Mercosur agreement


The intense flames that devastate the Amazon and the lack of decision of the Brazilian government to fight them have unleashed criticism from the international community and questioned the ratification of the trade agreement between Mercosur and the US. European Union (EU).

The agreement reached in late June between the two economic blocs, to be ratified by the European Parliament and Mercosur members, is on the verge of collapse, as several leaders at the G7 summit have suggested today. 39, several European leaders.

France, Germany, Ireland and the European Commission have criticized the disinterest of the Brazilian President, the far right Jair Bolsonaro, for the protection of the environment.

The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, doubted that the trade agreement between the two blocs would be ratified if Bolsonaro did not fight the shooting in the Brazilian Amazon.

"We support the EU-Mercosur agreement, which also involves climate protection, but it is difficult to imagine a harmonious ratification by European countries as the Brazilian president authorizes the destruction of green spaces on the planet. ", said Tusk at a brief press conference. before the start of the summit in the French city of Biarritz.

The Polish politician, who will step down from the presidency of the body that sets the political guidelines and priorities of the European bloc at the end of the year, said that Brussels was willing to offer financial badistance to Brazil to fight against fires.

Tusk's statements come after this week, France and Ireland have issued a similar warning to Bolsonaro regarding compliance with their environmental commitments.

"President Bolsonaro has decided not to respect his commitments on climate change or to act in favor of biodiversity … In these circumstances, France is opposed to the Mercosur agreement in the state, "said French President Emmanuel Macron. , after including the fires on the agenda of the G7 summit.

Bolsonaro accused his French couple of seeking a political income with his statements.

After a few comings and goings, Macron lowered his statements today, although he again referred to the unstoppable fire in the main lung of the planet.

In a televised message broadcast a few hours before the official start of the summit, Macron pointed out that the Amazon is a "common good".

"We will launch not only an appeal, but also a mobilization of all the powers present, in badociation with the countries of the Amazon, to invest in the first place in the fight against these fires in progress," he said. he declares.

He added that he wanted to invest in reforestation and enable his indigenous peoples and his NGOs to develop appropriate activities to "preserve this treasure of biodiversity".

In the same spirit, German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a "clear message" at the end of the G7 summit to prevent the occurrence of accidents in the region.

"We are particularly shocked by the horrific fires in the Amazon, at the top we will have to see how we can help and the goal should be that a message be broadcasted so that everything is done so that the rainforest stop burning, "Merkel said in a statement. usual message recorded on Saturday.

The German Chancellor said the French president was right to put the issue on the agenda of the G7.

"Our house is on fire and we can not remain silent," said Merkel, quoted by the EFE news agency.

In Brazil, about 70,000 fires are currently registered, mostly on private land, although they have also appeared in forest and native reserves.

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