The government goes against Grabois: "It becomes popular by eating eses"


Cristina Kirchner and Juan Grabois Credit: Twitter

At its first meeting after the demonstrations in its favor last Saturday, the government of
Mauricio Macri He has come out today to respond severely to Kirchner's criticism of support marches in Plaza de Mayo and in many cities across the country.

"We are in favor of people coming forward, without disturbing anyone and in a peaceful way," said the Minister of Education,
Alejandro Finocchiaro. Immediately, the official pointed at the leader of the Confederation of Workers of the People's Economy (CTEP), Juan Grabois, who declared that he was supporting Saturday a "small group of garcas and hypocrites" ", in relation with the government.

Grabois also said that the crowd was "very mobilized with a feeling of gorilla, very old and very detrimental to Argentina", consisting of "a somewhat boastful generation of people looking over the shoulder" .

"I do not understand that there are people who have been disturbed by what happened Saturday, something peaceful, a demonstration of citizenship, let alone (I understand) a good guy who thinks to have a monopoly in the street, and it becomes popular by eating eses, "shot Finocchiaro relative to the social leader.

Grabois was not the only opponent to be asked about the mobilization in favor of Macri. It was the same for the leaders close to the presidential candidate of the Federal Consensus, Roberto Lavagna. One of them was Alejandro Rodríguez, who ironically referred to the macro "October 17". "They set up a story of October 17, 1945, which is really disturbing, because it gives the impression that the ruling party has decided to lock in the construction of an illusion of which the priority is strictly electoral, "Rodríguez told Clarín.

Venezuela and Alberto Fernández

Finocchiaro and Patricia Bullrich also criticized the Frente de Todos candidate,
Alberto Fernandez, who explained why, for him, there is no dictatorship in Venezuela, where he considers that "institutions work".

"When the dissident is arrested, when there is no freedom of expression or the ability to generate opposition in a democratic logic, it is understood that this has a dictatorial characteristic (.) There was an important turning point in Fernández's thinking regarding what I thought a few months ago about Venezuela, he clearly adopted the position that Kirchnerism was taking to resolve, with Iran, Russia or Cuba, the regime Venezuelan, "said Security Minister Patricia Bullrich, who accompanied Finocchiaro to the press conference after the cabinet meeting chaired by the president at Casa Rosada.

"It is voted in Cuba and Iran, and both are dictatorships," added Finocchiaro, according to the position of the Foreign Ministry on Nicolás Maduro's regime.

In addition, during the conference, Bullrich asked the Peronist governors "a shared effort to lighten the pockets of the people". It was the first official reaction after the decision of 16 provincial leaders to appeal to the Supreme Court to reject the package announced by the president after his election defeat at the OSP.



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