The trolls of Macrista have called Luis Majul "Kirchner" for the interview of Alberto Fernández


The former official journalist Luis Majul interviewed the presidential candidate in his Sunday evening program Alberto Fernandez and his followers of macrista were not satisfied with the note.

In a row for his remarks after the primary elections, in which he criticized his work as a journalist in recent years and in which he was directed against Mauricio Macri, the interview of the main referent of the Front de Tous ended in Enrage the trolls of the government that turned to the networks to repudiate him and even call a media blackout against him.

"Do not let anyone follow guys like Majul, Bonelli, do not answer them, show that they are nothing without us," said one user. Another said: "You are ashamed of Majul! What happened to you, did you change the chip? Will you ask him about Nisman, the notebooks, the CFK chorea and do pressure on the journalists of AlberTítere or just throw him centers for Chirolita heads?

For those who could not see it, I leave a summary of the interview of Luis Majul and Alberto Fernández in #LaCornisa

– The Andi – Of the population- (@andolocco) August 26, 2019

Media failure#Good Sunday

– LaBelgrana (@LaBelgrana) August 25, 2019

It would be nice if Majul made 0 evaluation tonight! #ApagonDeMedios It would be like walking on her crepe and cowardice! I never look at him again! I do #ApagonaMajul I would be disgusted and angry to see him crawling and condescending to the corrupt!

– San ?? (@ Agos102005) August 25, 2019

I have a little dignity, Majul

– El Cipayo Argentino (@ElCipayo) August 19, 2019

No Majul we do not get angry! Only, you only know how to throw shit! They always did it with Macri! Siempreeeeeee! They never left it alone! You and many like you !!!!

– Liliana lucko (@ LilianaLucko) August 18, 2019

Although Majul is recalculeandooouuuu because the march, of # 24A It was huge, I will not see it. #ApagonDeMedios ??

– ☘️ Sandra ☘️ (@SanBravoOk) August 25, 2019

Do not let anyone follow guys like Majul, Bonelli, do not answer them; show that they are nothing without us … #YoVotoMM #Good Sunday

– opǝɔlɐS oᴉʌlᴉS – Zen Project (@ZenSilvio) August 25, 2019

You shame Majul !!
What happened? Have you changed the chip? Are you going to ask him questions about Nisman, the cahiers, the CFK's chorea and the journalists in a hurry at Albertiere, or are you just going to set up centers for Chirolita to agree?

– Juan A. Branvilla (@ AlbertoBranvil1) August 23, 2019

Media failure in Majul and Lanata.
Friday, by LSF, the fat man was sent with derogatory comments about Macri. He said the horror before him made him vote, if he had ever done it. Unfortunate
Goodbye, pancakes. Sell ​​your product to kkismo … good luck

– The Beatles finale (@davidgarione) August 25, 2019


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